Sunday, 21 December 2014

YCS Sydney 13th December 2014 Report

YCS Sydney Day 1

Hello everyone, this is me again and I am here to report you the YCS experience that I have last weekend. 

The deck that I use is my Mecha Phantom Beast deck. This is the Decklist:

Monster (16) : 
2 Mathematician 
3 Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion 
3 Mecha Phantom Beast Tetherwolf 
1 Mecha Phantom Beast Hamstrat 
3 Mecha Phantom Beast Megaraptor 
2 Mecha Phantom Beast Blackfalcon 
1 Mecha Phantom Beast Harrliard 
1 Mecha Phantom Beast Coltwing 

* Why no Tempest?
- (1) I feel like I needed the O-lion in the grave to setup for the extra normal summon 
- (2) I feel the number of monster is too few to run it 
* 1 Hamstrat?
- I am not playing the 6 and 9 xyz so he is there just to setup when necessary or extra reborn 
* Mathematician?
- to drop O-lion or coltwing to the grave, good to setup next turn play and it let me draw a card

The Bad:
- Hamstrat was only used once the whole day throughout the 7 Rounds, it did won the game though
- Having a Tempest, maybe would make a difference
- Mathematician was mainly used for a destruction effect target instead of the draw 
- Opening Hamstrat never spawn token, will always die to effects before flipping

The Good : 
- Opening Mathematician and a Mecha Phantom Beast is really good setup
- Coltwing Effect is useful throughout the day
- Harrliard replaces token when needed
- Blackfalcon drags out the duel

Spells (6) :
1 Foolish Burial 
3 Mystical Space Typhoon 
2 Draw Muscle 

* Draw Muscle?
- Serve as a defensive to prevent token to get destroyed because token is important and it is a set card for MST bait and they never expected it
* No Supply Squad?
- tested it with the supply squad, it is good, but sometimes token is necessary to be alive
* No scapegoat?
- Feel like scapegoat will clog the field
* No Raigeki/ Dark Hole?
-  Dark hole was kinda bad against Shadoll, Burning Abyss, so i took it out
- Raigeki on the other hand , I have none; So yeah :(

The Bad:
- Raigeki was needed so badly to clear some stuff, even though those stuff are Artifact and Dante 
- Scapegoat would be good in some scenarios to drag on the game
- Supply Squad maybe would make a difference

The Good : 
- Draw Muscle make the opponent waste effect on tokens
- Most people are surprised for draw muscle
- Foolish with Megaraptor is a great opening hand

Trap (18) :
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device 
3 Aerial Recharge 
2 Wiretap 
1 Solemn Warning 
2 Spiritual Wind Art -Miyabi 
2 Breakthrough Skill 
2 Dimensional Prison 
1 Torrential Tribute 
2 Call of the Haunted 
1 Bottomless Trap Hole 
1 Tyrant's Temper 

* Tyrant's Temper?
- because there is so many targetable trap cards (raigeki break, karma cut, compulsory evac, etc) this is good, it also serve as an anti Skill drain

The Bad:
- Wiretap and Tyrant's Temper was not really useful; Wiretap was only used ONCE out of the 7 Round where it was useful, every other scenarios it was more likely a dead draw. Tyrant's temper was not used at all

The Good : 
- Breakthrough Skill was really helpful

Extra (15) :
1 Giganticastle
1 Scrap Dragon 
1 Armades, Keeper of Boundaries 
1 Skypalace Gangaridai 
1 Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max 
2 Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack 
1Number 11: Big Eye 
1 Goyo Guardian 
1 Gear Gigant X 
1 Diamond Dire Wolf 
1 Lightning Chidori 
1 Abyss Dweller 
1 Number 101: Silent Honor ARK 
1 Number 74: Master of Blades 

* Giganticasle? 
- 3100 To kill over Leo when necessary, and a level 9 Synchro
* Gigant X?
- serve as a searcher when there is no raptor in hand and it is necessary to search
* Diamond Dire Wolf?
- To pop some stuff if necessary 
* Master of Blades?
- Anti karma cut, dimensional prison, raigeki break, general targetable cards

The Bad:
- Giganticasle insta died to traps
- Gear Gigant X, Abyss Dweller plays is weak
- Diamond Dire Wolf and master of blades was never made
- Goyo have it's moment, but never had the chance to made it

The Good : 
-Chidori Works wondrous
- Aramdes also did it job 

Dimensional Fissure x1
Zombie World x1
Soul Drain x1
Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell x1
Macro Cosmos x1
Tyrant's Tummyache x2
Share the Pain x2
Typhoon x2
Shadow Imprisoning Mirror x2
Light Imprisoning Mirror x2

* Zombie World?
- For Noble Knight Matchup, anti system down 
* Why not DNA surgery for anti system down?
- Just got it after day 2 :(
* Cursed seal with 6 spells?
- Yes, it is still a good card to stop Shadoll Fusion, Qliphort Scout or System Down
* Tyrant's Tummyache?
- When tested, it was really good against Yang Zing and Qliphort
* Share The Pain?
- Anti Single big monster for Noble Knight, Apoqliphort Killer, etc

The Bad:
- Never played against any shadoll or qliphort , so half of the side is useless

The Good : 
- Light Imprisoning did it work

Round 1 VS GhostrickSpirit

Game 1 X

His Nigitama Aratama into feral imp and search kagetokage. Followed by dropping dark armed next turn win him the game

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
7200 8000Feral Imp -> Math
7200 6300 Tetherwolf Direct
5400 6300 Dark Armed Direct
4600 6300 Aratama Direct
1800 6300 Dark Armed Direct
0 6300 101 Direct

Game 2 X

He open up the game with 101 and I only drawing math and no other monster lose me the game.

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 6500Math Direct
7400 6500 101 -> Math
5300 6500 101 Direct
3200 6500 101 Direct
1100 6500 101 Direct
0 6500 101 Direct

The Bad:
- I sided in Light and Shadow Mirror against him, both were hit by his MST in the second game.
- Opening Math into nothing for both games is pretty bad
- In game 2 I shouldve torrential when he nigitama aratama before he 101, because I only open torrential and bottomless. The bottomless was used to remove Black Luster Soldier Envoy of the Beginning 1 turn before I die.

The Good:
- Opening with double mirror is pretty good.
- Math has setup the field for both game

Round 2 VS Ghostrick 

Game 1 O

I opened up a pretty good hand, he was just trying to stall until he got his advantage, but i removed that possibility early enough.

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
7700 8000Ghost Mummy -> Blackfalcon 300
7700 6100 Chidori direct
7700 3800 Armades direct
7700 1900 Chidori direct
7700 200 Tetherwolf direct
7700 0 Armades Direct

Game 2 O

He really didn't open a good hand in this game

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 7250Math -> 750
8000 5150 Tetherwolf -> Jiangshi 2100
8000 3650 Math direct 
8000 1750 Raptor direct
8000 250 Math direct
8000 0 Raptor Direct

The Bad:
- Nothing this round

The Good:
- Open mediocre to good hand  

Round 3 VS Photon

Game 1 O

The first game was kinda troublesome where she make Constellar Omega first turn. But surprisingly, she didn't kill token and instead hit my mathematician, making me able to make a comeback and push to victory

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
7100 8000Constellar Omega-> Math 900
6200 8000 Omega -> Math 900
6200 5200 Scrap dragon Direct 2800
6200 3600 Coltwing Direct 1600
6200 800 Scrap Direct 2800
4200 800 Solemn Warning
4200 0 Coltwing direct

Game 2 O

We both got a brick hand, but mine was slightly better

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 6500Math direct
8000 5000 Math direct 
8000 3000 Math direct 
8000 1500 Math direct
8000 800 Math direct
8000 0 Math Direct

The Bad:
- Drawing only mathematician on the second game

The Good:
- Opponent brick second game hand too

Round 4 VS Tellarknight

Game 1 X

He open up an absolute bomb hand with interstellar nova plus a solemn warning.

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
9000 8000Upstart Goblin
6900 8000 Triverr Direct 2100
6300 8000 Triverr -> Math 600
4800 8000 Deneb Direct 1500
3100 8000 Altair Direct 1700
1000 8000 Triverr Direct 2100
0 8000 Deneb Direct

Game 2 X

I opened up with my Light mirror, but I didn't draw more monster to back it up, he also stalls until he got plays and kills me afterwards

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
9000 8000Upstart Goblin
9000 6100 Raptor direct 1900
8100 6100 Delteros -> Raptor 900
7600 6100 Falcon -> Altair 500
7600 4100 Soul Charge 2000
7300 4100 Falcon -> Castel 300
6900 4100 Sirius -> Falcon 400
4400 4100 Delteros direct 2500
0 4100 Scoop

The Bad:
- Tellarknight is a bad matchup, too much resources needed to remove the combo

- Game 2 hand was not optimal 
- Falcon pretty much drags out the game on Game 2 

The Good:
- Side board card in the opening hand
- Falcon pretty much drags out second game on Game 2

Round 5 Six Sam

Game 1 X

Was a good opening hand, but Heroic Champion Gandiva killed all strategy.

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 7000Falcon-> Kageki 1000
5700 7000 Legendary Shien -> Falcon 1300
4000 7000 Legendary Enishi -> 1700
1900 7000 Gandiva Direct 
0 7000 Scoop

Game 2 X

Opened up pretty decent, but because i warning one of his monster, he ended up using Double Edge sword technique and getting more advantage afterwards

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 6300Tetherwolf Direct 1700
8000 4600 Tetherwolf Direct 1700
7900 4600 Kizan -> Tetherwolf 100
5900 4600 Solemn warning
5600 4600 Excalibur -> Tetherwolf 300
3100 4600 Shogun Shien 2500
0 4100 Scoop

The Bad:
- Gandiva on the first game is really hard to deal with 

- Game 2, got 2 breakthrough in hand, and wasn't really helping
- Sideboard card is not really optimal to beat six sams

The Good:
- there is none this round

Round 6 VS Burning Abyss

Game 1 O 

This game was pretty fast and pretty easy, his combo was stopped with an early dweller and he thought he survived for one more turn, gustav seal the deal

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
7400 8000Dante -> Raptor 600
7400 7700 Dweller -> Calcab 300
7400 5800 Raptor Direct 1900
6600 5800 Dante-> Dweller 800
6600 4100 Tetherwolf direct 1700
6600 2900 Falcon Direct 1200
6600 1000 Raptor Direct 1900
6600 0 Gustav effect 2000

Game 2 X

Second game he got virgil first turn , and his advantage grows further into double dante. Where he goes downered magician and piercing me to death using my token

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
7000 8000Virgil -> Math 1000
5600 8000 Calcab Direct 1400
5600 7800 Coltwing-> Calcab 200
4700 7800 Dante->Coltwing 900
3700 7800 Dante-> Math 1000
1400 7800 Downered -> Token 2300
0 7800 Downered -> Token lethal

Game 3 X

I got a brick hand this game and he got a decent hand

Game 3 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
7200 8000Dante->Tetherwolf 800
4700 8000 Virgil Direct 2500
3200 8000 Math Direct 1500
700 8000 Virgil Direct 2500
400 8000 Falcon -> Math 300
0 8000 Math Direct lethal

The Bad:
- Dante and virgil is hard to deal with

- not a single sideboard card is drawn

The Good:
- Didn't get hit by a single burning lake
- he mills both of his system down

 Round 7 VS Watt

Game 1 O

He didn't get his watt hopper lock and he scoop.

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
7200 8000Raioh-> Hamstrat 800
7200 7000 Hamstrat -> Dragonfly 1000
7200 6000 Hamstrat -> Dragonfly 1000
6200 6000 Cobra direct 1000
6200 4500 Tetherwolf -> Cobra 1500
6200 0 enemy scoop

Game 2 X

He got hopper lock and he starlight road my torrential, and because i have no other outs, I scoop.

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 7900Messenger of peace 100
8000 7900 Messenger of peace 100
8000 7800 Messenger of peace 100
8000 7700 Messenger of peace 100
8000 7600 Messenger of peace 100
8000 7500 Messenger of peace 100
7000 7500 Cobra Direct
0 7500 Scoop

Game 3 O

He have the hopper lock and didn't do it , and therefore he scoop because i can just attack him directly with the stolen cobra

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
7000 8000Cobra direct 1000
7000 6200 Goyo -> Cobra 1800
7000 5100 Hamstrat Direct 1100
7000 0 Enemy Scoop

The Bad:
- I only have 1 answer to hopper lock which is torrential, the other method, gustav max is not reliable

- no sideboard card that is usable

The Good:
- He misplayed the last game
- Got goyo guardian early to get his cobra if needed later on


It was another good experience. I was expecting to play against more meta decks, but apparently according to the statistics, there are a lot more rogue deck than the top decks
I am considering of playing a meta deck if there is gonna be another YCS

I will be writing the day 2 report even though I didn't do much on the second day

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

A-z Challenge Alchemist

Here is the continuation of my A-z challenge guys

Alchemist :

I will post my next one after i finish editing

Stay tune :D


Monday, 15 September 2014

Road to victory Abaddon

Because A-z challenge will have circumstances where i lost games, i will upload montages of those games and upload it under the name Road to Victory

Here is the abaddon road to victory :

That's it for this post guys

Thank you :D

A-z Challenge Abaddon

Hello Eveyone !
It's me again K4zuk1

Today I am going to show you my run of A-z Challenge, starting with Abaddon
without further ado :

I recorded this around April this year, and i forgot about it after that. XD

Because they release the all hero challenge, i remember about this and started to upload it

Anyway, Thanks all for coming here !

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

YCS (YuGiOh Championship Series) Sydney Report Day 2

Welcome back everyone to my Day 2 report of YCS Sydney

After the first day I didn't do well, I think to myself I maybe can take something on the second day to redeem myself XD

On the second day, the top qualifier was taking place and many side events including Win-A-Mat, ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD! and WCQ: Regionals

For a Win-A-Mat tournament, its a 3 round single elimination where the winner can choose what playmat they want from the list of playmat that they have for the prize, including WCQ : Regionals 2013 Spellbook Mat, YCS Sheffield Breaker the Magical Warrior mat , YCS Brussels 3 Egyptian God mat,  Kite and Neo Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon mat

For the WCQ : Regionals, its a 4 round single elimination where the winner will get the qualification to the WCQ: Oceanic 2014 and the WCQ: Regionals Ghostrick Playmat

ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!, is a 3-5 round single elimination where the winner will get 1 oversized card of either Mobius the Mega Monarch or Cyber Dragon Nova

The events that I am interested is the Win-A-Mat because the mat prizes are good.
On the day I enter 2 Win-A-Mat event and 1 WCQ: Regionals

Here is the match Report:

Win-A-Mat #1

Round 1 VS Six Sams
Game 1 X
In this first game, he got the first turn shien setup with a kizan and 2 facedown. I tried to setup my defences and try to remove shien from the field by using mirror force then chain into miyabi spinning shien back to extra deck.

But he managed to synchro shien once again and from there I cannot manage to setup my field with token and my monster get destroyed every turn. He secured the first game.

Game 2 O
In the second game, I got a pretty good setup for his shien next turn.
I baited his shien negation to bring my monster back from grave with call of the haunted.
With this setup I managed to steal shien from him with big eye and managed to push through his defences.
I secured this game

Game 3 O
In this game, he tried to go for the 1st turn shien once again and I managed to stop it using veiler and leaving his kageki vulnerable.
On my next turn, I attack kageki with tetherwolf. Removing his potential to synchro for shien next turn.
He summon zanji and ss kagemusha with dojo.
He made a mistake by attacking my facedown hamster with his kagemusha and taking a lot of damage.
On my next turn, I make chidori to remove one of his facedown and attack his defences.
Chidori managed to spin his next turn kizan which locks his movement the next 2 turn as I just spin it back to the top and I secured the victory

Round 2 VS EvilSwarms
Game 1 O
He didn't get a good hand and just spam the field with monster.
I replied back with my own monster that can kill his monster .
He managed to clear my field and summon Rescue Rabbit but I veiler it when it touched the field leaving it vulnerable
next turn I attacked the rabbit and he draws no monster and we go to game 2

Game 2 X
He got his swarm better this time than mine, With heliotrope, mandragora he managed finish me quick just in 3 turn

Game 3 O
I started the game with a set stealhray where he ram with thunderbird.
But sadly enough he Blackship Corn it and I took 1000 damage.
I managed to remove Corn with my boosted tetherwolf.
The game goes into the time where he have Evilswarm bahamut with safezone.
He mistakenly counting our lifepoints from last game,where he then conceeded because he thought he got me

Round 3 VS T.G Skill Drain
Game 1 O
I started the game slowly and try to stop him from pushing into my line of defence using falcon, aerial recharge and fires of doomsday.
Following up I managed to get Skypalace Gangaridai to the field where he doesn't have out and conceeded

Game 2 X
In this game, he got his fencing fire ferret to 2500 attack and got barbaros on the field.
I managed to clear the field with dark hole and try to penetrate his defences but its all for naught.
I got lucky when he TG1 EM 1 and switch his striker for my effect veiler that I set.
I use his striker for 3 turns before it got back to his grave and everything turned around for me
He got his skill drain up and making my monster useless.
Because time was going to come up, I conceded and we go to the third game.

Game 3 O
We started the game with time called on my turn.
I didn't get a good start and try to stall as far as I can, but he got his skill drain once again and my monster was destroyed by his monster.
I clear the board with dark hole and summon Tempest which backfires for him because he can't get rid of him and because of time I win the game.

He is forced to darkhole my field twice in the series where my monster stayed alive but he need to do it.
But I prevail and because I won the tournament I won a mat WOO!!

It seems that I was unhappy here because I'm still overwhelmed because I won, But I am very happy XD.
Thanks to Scott Miller from Konami for taking this picture

Win - A - Mat #2

I enter the second Win-A-Mat because the Egyptian God mat looks cool aswell

Round 1 VS Fire Fist
Game 1 O
He didn't get a good hand and only hitting me with wolfbark in the first 2 turns.
I turned it back for him and go for a chidori. 
Not long after I secured the first game.

Game 2 O
He got a good setup with warning, but same with me I got my zombie world setup ready for him.
He cannot go for his bujintei kagusutchi and instead go for cowboy and burning me 2 turns in a row
He then try to attack me but I stopped him with fires of doomsday
I kill his cowboy with coltwing, but he remove my coltwing with Blackship Corn next turn.
I tried to clear his field with blackhole and try to buy me some time.
He summon Maxx"c" and attack me
Next turn I managed to summon Tempest and effect veiler to synchro for scrap dragon where I removed some of his backrow and secure the game for me

Round 2 VS Spellbook
Game 1 X 
Game 1 went so badly for me. He got a perfect hand and removing all my monster with fate and kycoo, while I cannot retaliate because he have wisdom and Shining elf to stop my plays. He easily secure this game

Game 2 O
This game went well for me, I stopped his magician play and got my zombie world setup to stop his book plays.
I managed to lock him down by going for Strike Bounzer and securing the game

Game 3 X 
He got his good setup again and got breaker in addition to his shining elf. Removing my traps. He then finish it up with Jowgen to lock me down from special summoning.
in my last turn I drew Tempest, with no trap to protect me,I cannot do anything and conceeding. If it was 1 turn later I could set hamster which I will drew later, while he only have veiler the next draw. 
Oh well every now and then it happened.

Because I lost this, I was eliminated

WCQ : Regional 2014

Round 1 VS Dark World
Game 1 O
He got a lot of discard and removal for my traps in the early game. 
Then I managed to halt his push by destroying his field card and bouncing grapha back into the deck
I made star eater because I know its higher than grapha and usually dark world player run mirror force and Dimensional prison for defence, so I can hit grapha multiple times for a couple of turns
He tried to comback with a tourguide, but I stopped it and from here on he cannot recover from this field

Game 2 O
Game 2 was so bad for him, all of his plays was stopped by me. 
He tried to grapha and protect himself, but I steal it with Big Eye and securing the game because he have nothing in his hand that can deal with the field.

Round 2 VS Harpy
Game 1 O
In this firstgame, he misplayed so many times where he keep trying to destroy my monster while I have token on the field.
Because of this misplay, it costed him the game.

Game 2 O
This game I got a commanding lead until he get advantage from hysteric sign. Where he got Harpy queen, Harpy Channeler and Harpy Dancer if I'm not mistaken.
While I have a token, dracossack and hamster on the field
He Summon channeler and activate effect to summon Harpy's pet dragon and xyz for big eye.
He then took my Dracossack and ending the turn
On my turn I turn it around. Activating hamster's effect special coltwing, get 2 token, summon megaraptor and using its effect to search for tetherwolf then xyz for big eye and steal his big eye. using his big eye effect, I take back my dracossack and attack directly with hamster and dracossack.
He then realize he can't go back after this condition and conceeded.

Round 3 VS Fire Fist
Game 1 X 
He got a commanding lead and just crush to my defences. He stop all my plays, warning my monster and just attacking directly while controlling the field with bear and gorilla

Game 2 X
I got my side board card zombie world to stop him to use wolfbark and bujintei kagutsuchi
But it didn't last that long and he managed to xyz tiger king.
Fortunately I managed to synchro Scrap dragon and remove his trap and killing his bear. 
From here I need to be careful because his tiger king is 2500 with tensen faceup on the field
he set 1 monster and negate scrap dragon effect 
I know he try to cowboy me because my Lp is 300 , he then drew forbidden and attack my scrap dragon for the game

I got eliminated from here XD

I kinda disappointed, but I managed to get a Mat despite all of that and not doing well in YCS Day 1, but I managed to get back on the second day and did well.

Alright everyone, thanks for coming and see you next time 


Monday, 20 January 2014

YCS (YuGiOh Championship Series) Sydney Report Day 1 (18/1/2014)

Hello everyone,
Welcome back and welcome to my Day 1 YCS Sydney Report

When preparing for YCS Sydney, I was contemplating what deck should I use. I have 3 choices of deck that I have that I can play, Mecha Phantom Beast, Madolche, or Windup.

I have the core for Madolche, Tiaramisu, and other Madolche stuff, but unfortunately I don't have the T.G engine that I like to play with, so I put aside Madolche as my choice.

I still have all the core of windup, xyz and the side board for it. I have fun playing windups in Regionals last year and its still a good deck. I have a bad feeling it will happen like Oceanic where when I play windup. I got either veilered or maxx c every single game in the round, and I don't feel fun playing it like that. Secondly I feel  I want to play something different that I like to play.

Mecha Phantom Beast
This is a deck that I started playing when they comes out. I love playing this deck and it seems fun to play. I don't think this deck would handle well but I have chosen this deck to play and this is what I play in YCS Sydney.

YCS Decklist:
Monster : 19
Tempest , Dragon Ruler of Storms
Mecha Phantom Beast Kalgriffin
3 Mecha Phantom Beast Megaraptor
3 Mecha Phantom Beast Tetherwolf
2 Mecha Phantom Beast Coltwing
2 Mecha Phantom Beast Blackfalcon
Debris Dragon
2 Mecha Phantom Hamstrat
Mecha Phantom Beast Stealthray
Mecha Phantom Beast Warbluran
2 Effect Veiler

Sacred Sword of Seven Stars
Dark Hole
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Fires of Doomsday

Traps: 15
Bottomless Trap Hole
Mirror Force
Torrential Tribute
2 Dimensional Prison
2 Spiritual Wind Art - Miyabi
Compulsory Evacuation Device
3 Fiendish Chain
2 Aerial Recharge
2 Call of The Haunted

Blank Card is Sword of Seven Stars (borrowed from friend and have been given back)

Debris - level 4 and a tuner, Tempest Fodder, Miyabi Fodder
Effect Veiler - level 1 tuner, Negation effect 
Kalgriffin - Seven Sword Fodder , can be special summoned if needed, Tempest Fodder
Stealthray - good turn 1 defence monster, 2100 def, extra mst if needed , for rank 6, Miyabi fodder, no one expect this card to be played
Warbluran - level 1 tuner, Miyabi fodder, get token if synchro for machine monster

Extra Deck : 
Armory Arm
Ally of Justice Catastor
Black Rose Dragon
Scrap Dragon
Star Eater
Abyss Dweller
Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
Lightning Chodori
Photon Strike Bounzer
Number 11: Big Eye
Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack
Number 74: Master of Blades
Gaia Dragon, The Thunder Charger
Skypalace Gangaridai
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max

Side Deck:
2 Maxx "C"
2 Royal Decree
2 Zombie World
Mystical Space Typhoon
Dimensional Fissure
Macro Cosmos
2 Debunk
Soul Drain
Electric Virus
2 Light Imprisoning Mirror

Blank Cards are Decree that I borrow, the ones I have are still borrowed by my friend

Armory arm - Level 4 any level 1 tuner + token = Armory Arm
Catastor - any level 4 + level 1 tuner = catastor
Blackrose - debris + stealth / debris + token / 2 token + level 1 tuner = blackrose (for field clear when needed)
Scrap dragon - tempest + level 1 tuner / any level 4 mecha when there is 1 token on field + level 1 tuner = scrap dragon (useful when we can target mecha that cannot be destroyed for a free destruction)
Star Eater - tempest + debri/ any level 4 mecha when there is 1 token on field+ debris= star eater (immune to lances, good against ff ; bait their set tensen before battle phase, Etc)
Dweller - Anti mermail
Maestroke - another rank 4 xyz
Chidori - can spin a potential of 3 cards, any mecha is wind monster
Bounzer - rarely used against slow deck that need setup, and monster negation helps
Big Eye - derp
Dracossack - Derp
Gaia - another level 7
Skypalace - level 10 and a wind
Gustav max - level 10 - burn 2000

Maxx "c"- draw against swarm deck
Decree - stop heavy trap deck
Zombie world - against specific type deck (fire fist, bujin , etc)
mst - extra when needed
Difi - against madolche, mermail
Macro Cosmos - same as difi
Debunk - extra removal for mermail, dark world , maxx c, veiler , honest , crane , turtle , etc
soul drain - stop graveyard eff - turtle, darkworld ,mermail, etc
Electric virus - steal machine, gear gigant x , e dragon , etc
Light imprisoning mirror - anti lightsworn, bujin

A few photo that I took - sorry so bad XD

Alright onto the Rounds Report

Round 1 VS Lighsworn
Game 1 O
Game one went particularly well.
The game started well until he got lumina and wolf on the field where I am concerned because there are 3 lightsworn in the grave, 4 including wolf on the field.
He misplayed so many times not clearing my token, instead ramming into my monster.
when I have a dracossack, he try to paladynamo my draco but i fiendish chain it.
I managed to clear his board after that.
He managed to drop 1 judgement on me and I fiendish chain it.
the game ended by gustav max and a draco direct attack in the next 2 turns.
In the first game he only managed to drop 1 JD and nothing else

Game 2 O
I started the game with kalgriffin and a seven sword.
activating seven sword draws me into a first turn light imprisinong mirror.
He tried to lyla and clearing my facedown, I stopped it with light mirror.
On my turn, I attack lyla and he drop trag.
he summon lumina and try to trag, but forgot my monster are higher level because of tokens
on my next turn , I ended up clearing his field.
He set monster for the next 2 turn, meanwhile foolish burial monster for JD setup
I open my difi and removed his monsters.
He then drop 2 judgement dragon and removed my raptor and a token.
I have to ram my falcon into his JD 2 times in the following 2 turns to create token for big eye. and steal his JD.
He conceded and I won the first round.

Result O O

Round 2 VS Gravekeeper + skill drain
Game 1 X
The game started passively by both of us.
I tried to push my monster into him but he have so much trap to stop all of my plays.
I tried to play more passively since then and try to stop his plays.
Setup hamster and a few more traps
On his turn he still play passively and didnt attack me, which makes me wonder why he didnt attack me
I realize he run skill drain when I flip my hamster the next turn.
at the time I have no out for this and i conceded

Game 2 X
This game is complete wash.
I got completely destroyed since he open malefic stardust dragon and skill drain in his first turn
I try to continue by stalling and trying to draw my sides but its all to nothing.
He royal tribute my hand and mindcrush my Zombie World.
I then Conceeded since I draw no outs
The zombie world is sided in so I can use zombie world to remove his necro valley instead of me have to use mst to clear it, so i can use mst to clear his skill drain.

Result X X

Round 3 VS Harpy
Game 1 O
First game was a bad start for me since he got his hunting ground setup and a few backrow with a harpy on the field.
I managed to push through his backrow and his resources.
and I managed to secure game 1

Game 2 O
I think he made a big mistake here in by discarding his hunting ground for channeler and for hysteric party.
from here he is out of resources and I can just push through his monster easily because my traps are save from destruction

Result O O

Round 4 VS Geargia
Game 1 X
The first game was a complete stomp he got his field setup with burei burei and I don't have enough fire power to push through his big monster. I conceeded soon after because I didn't draw what I needed and I know I won't be able to push through anytime soon

Game 2 O
This game started slowly for both of us. I tried to chidori his field but it got halted by fiendish.
On his next turn he goes for gigant x and search for his machines. He also special fortune tune for defensive purposes since I saw he didn't get a good hand
I pushed through his fortune tune and securing the game with dracosacc

Game 3 X
This game started again with accelerator just biting me down since I draw no monster.
I then drew tetherwolf which helps me and actually stays quite a bit on the field.
He tried to geargiagear where he have no target. So he have to gear gigant x and search his geargiaarmor.
When I attacked his gigant x, he special geargiano to field
The game currently in this setup , he have a burei, defense position geargiano and a stardust. 1 set geargiagear and 1 geargiaarmor in hand plus 1 card in hand.
I managed to steal one burei with big eye in the turn I killed his gigant x
he tried to creature swap my monster but luckily I have a token so I can give him that.
Here is the biggest misplay of the tournament that I made.
He attack the geargiano that he creature swap. Main phase 2 he geargiano mk II getting geargiano and special summoning saizan.
I have a facedown Call of the Haunted and a miyabi
I could've call of the haunted a wind monster since I use big eye effect and  can use miyabi to bounce his tuner and could've won me the game but he got blackrose out and clear the field.
I drew veiler but I didn't set it since I know geargiaarmor won't kill me.
But the other card in his hand is GeargiaArsenal and kill me with it

Result X O X

Round 5 VS Machine
Game 1 X
He have machina fortress and gadget setup overwhelming my monsters and winning the first game

Game 2 X
I opened up with Zombie World and Electric Virus
I hold both until he overextend. I summon Falcon and set 2 facedown.
He summon gadget and search another gadget, mind control my falcon and go gigant X, but I stop his search with fiendish chain.
I still hold both my zombie and Virus since I think they are not usefull here
On his turn he go for another gigant x and search gearframe.
The second big misplay that I made is here
I Thought gigant X only search geargia for some reason.
Thats why I didnt electric virus it and still keep it in my hand
The game goes downhill after, he just swarm with gadgets and I died after that

Result X X

Round 6 Vs Maiden Beatdown
Game 1 O
Game started slowly by both of us. he just sit with maiden and I just sit with ray and hamster.
He tried to activate maiden effect using compulsory but I veiler maiden and stop his plays.
I go for Photon strike Bounzer and remove his maiden. The game goes downhill for him after that since he cannot get his monster out.

Game 2 O
Game 2 started well for him because he got alexandrite dragon on the field. and a few set cards that stop my plays. unfortunately he didn't got his maiden to setup his big plays with champion's vigilance
He got BLS out though, but I stop his effect with veiler.
I then big eye his BLS and direct for the game.

Result O O

Round 7 Vs Lswarm
Game 1 X
He got the game up with ophion and followed up by another ophion, I cannot do anything because he just fiendish chain my monster and killing the tokens easily.

Game 2 O
Game 2 started slowly for both of us.
He swarm fast but I managed to get rid of ophion and some of his monster.
I got my setup and got dracosacc out, where he cannot manage to go back and I got this game

Game 3 X
He got ophion and search for pandemic, while having 1 pandemic in hand.
I got no monster and my traps are useless.
I cannot manage to do anything and he just beat me down with ophion

Total Result 3- 4

I ended up on rank 380 for YCS which is actually pretty good playing Mecha Phantom Beast and I'm pretty impressive how my deck does

I think a few cards could be changed in my main deck to make it more better, but overall its pretty good currently.
Alright everyone, This is my Report for YCS Sydney Day 1, stay tune for Day 2 Report

and Dark Magician Girl Mat :D
