Tuesday, 21 January 2014

YCS (YuGiOh Championship Series) Sydney Report Day 2

Welcome back everyone to my Day 2 report of YCS Sydney

After the first day I didn't do well, I think to myself I maybe can take something on the second day to redeem myself XD

On the second day, the top qualifier was taking place and many side events including Win-A-Mat, ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD! and WCQ: Regionals

For a Win-A-Mat tournament, its a 3 round single elimination where the winner can choose what playmat they want from the list of playmat that they have for the prize, including WCQ : Regionals 2013 Spellbook Mat, YCS Sheffield Breaker the Magical Warrior mat , YCS Brussels 3 Egyptian God mat,  Kite and Neo Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon mat

For the WCQ : Regionals, its a 4 round single elimination where the winner will get the qualification to the WCQ: Oceanic 2014 and the WCQ: Regionals Ghostrick Playmat

ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!, is a 3-5 round single elimination where the winner will get 1 oversized card of either Mobius the Mega Monarch or Cyber Dragon Nova

The events that I am interested is the Win-A-Mat because the mat prizes are good.
On the day I enter 2 Win-A-Mat event and 1 WCQ: Regionals

Here is the match Report:

Win-A-Mat #1

Round 1 VS Six Sams
Game 1 X
In this first game, he got the first turn shien setup with a kizan and 2 facedown. I tried to setup my defences and try to remove shien from the field by using mirror force then chain into miyabi spinning shien back to extra deck.

But he managed to synchro shien once again and from there I cannot manage to setup my field with token and my monster get destroyed every turn. He secured the first game.

Game 2 O
In the second game, I got a pretty good setup for his shien next turn.
I baited his shien negation to bring my monster back from grave with call of the haunted.
With this setup I managed to steal shien from him with big eye and managed to push through his defences.
I secured this game

Game 3 O
In this game, he tried to go for the 1st turn shien once again and I managed to stop it using veiler and leaving his kageki vulnerable.
On my next turn, I attack kageki with tetherwolf. Removing his potential to synchro for shien next turn.
He summon zanji and ss kagemusha with dojo.
He made a mistake by attacking my facedown hamster with his kagemusha and taking a lot of damage.
On my next turn, I make chidori to remove one of his facedown and attack his defences.
Chidori managed to spin his next turn kizan which locks his movement the next 2 turn as I just spin it back to the top and I secured the victory

Round 2 VS EvilSwarms
Game 1 O
He didn't get a good hand and just spam the field with monster.
I replied back with my own monster that can kill his monster .
He managed to clear my field and summon Rescue Rabbit but I veiler it when it touched the field leaving it vulnerable
next turn I attacked the rabbit and he draws no monster and we go to game 2

Game 2 X
He got his swarm better this time than mine, With heliotrope, mandragora he managed finish me quick just in 3 turn

Game 3 O
I started the game with a set stealhray where he ram with thunderbird.
But sadly enough he Blackship Corn it and I took 1000 damage.
I managed to remove Corn with my boosted tetherwolf.
The game goes into the time where he have Evilswarm bahamut with safezone.
He mistakenly counting our lifepoints from last game,where he then conceeded because he thought he got me

Round 3 VS T.G Skill Drain
Game 1 O
I started the game slowly and try to stop him from pushing into my line of defence using falcon, aerial recharge and fires of doomsday.
Following up I managed to get Skypalace Gangaridai to the field where he doesn't have out and conceeded

Game 2 X
In this game, he got his fencing fire ferret to 2500 attack and got barbaros on the field.
I managed to clear the field with dark hole and try to penetrate his defences but its all for naught.
I got lucky when he TG1 EM 1 and switch his striker for my effect veiler that I set.
I use his striker for 3 turns before it got back to his grave and everything turned around for me
He got his skill drain up and making my monster useless.
Because time was going to come up, I conceded and we go to the third game.

Game 3 O
We started the game with time called on my turn.
I didn't get a good start and try to stall as far as I can, but he got his skill drain once again and my monster was destroyed by his monster.
I clear the board with dark hole and summon Tempest which backfires for him because he can't get rid of him and because of time I win the game.

He is forced to darkhole my field twice in the series where my monster stayed alive but he need to do it.
But I prevail and because I won the tournament I won a mat WOO!!

It seems that I was unhappy here because I'm still overwhelmed because I won, But I am very happy XD.
Thanks to Scott Miller from Konami for taking this picture

Win - A - Mat #2

I enter the second Win-A-Mat because the Egyptian God mat looks cool aswell

Round 1 VS Fire Fist
Game 1 O
He didn't get a good hand and only hitting me with wolfbark in the first 2 turns.
I turned it back for him and go for a chidori. 
Not long after I secured the first game.

Game 2 O
He got a good setup with warning, but same with me I got my zombie world setup ready for him.
He cannot go for his bujintei kagusutchi and instead go for cowboy and burning me 2 turns in a row
He then try to attack me but I stopped him with fires of doomsday
I kill his cowboy with coltwing, but he remove my coltwing with Blackship Corn next turn.
I tried to clear his field with blackhole and try to buy me some time.
He summon Maxx"c" and attack me
Next turn I managed to summon Tempest and effect veiler to synchro for scrap dragon where I removed some of his backrow and secure the game for me

Round 2 VS Spellbook
Game 1 X 
Game 1 went so badly for me. He got a perfect hand and removing all my monster with fate and kycoo, while I cannot retaliate because he have wisdom and Shining elf to stop my plays. He easily secure this game

Game 2 O
This game went well for me, I stopped his magician play and got my zombie world setup to stop his book plays.
I managed to lock him down by going for Strike Bounzer and securing the game

Game 3 X 
He got his good setup again and got breaker in addition to his shining elf. Removing my traps. He then finish it up with Jowgen to lock me down from special summoning.
in my last turn I drew Tempest, with no trap to protect me,I cannot do anything and conceeding. If it was 1 turn later I could set hamster which I will drew later, while he only have veiler the next draw. 
Oh well every now and then it happened.

Because I lost this, I was eliminated

WCQ : Regional 2014

Round 1 VS Dark World
Game 1 O
He got a lot of discard and removal for my traps in the early game. 
Then I managed to halt his push by destroying his field card and bouncing grapha back into the deck
I made star eater because I know its higher than grapha and usually dark world player run mirror force and Dimensional prison for defence, so I can hit grapha multiple times for a couple of turns
He tried to comback with a tourguide, but I stopped it and from here on he cannot recover from this field

Game 2 O
Game 2 was so bad for him, all of his plays was stopped by me. 
He tried to grapha and protect himself, but I steal it with Big Eye and securing the game because he have nothing in his hand that can deal with the field.

Round 2 VS Harpy
Game 1 O
In this firstgame, he misplayed so many times where he keep trying to destroy my monster while I have token on the field.
Because of this misplay, it costed him the game.

Game 2 O
This game I got a commanding lead until he get advantage from hysteric sign. Where he got Harpy queen, Harpy Channeler and Harpy Dancer if I'm not mistaken.
While I have a token, dracossack and hamster on the field
He Summon channeler and activate effect to summon Harpy's pet dragon and xyz for big eye.
He then took my Dracossack and ending the turn
On my turn I turn it around. Activating hamster's effect special coltwing, get 2 token, summon megaraptor and using its effect to search for tetherwolf then xyz for big eye and steal his big eye. using his big eye effect, I take back my dracossack and attack directly with hamster and dracossack.
He then realize he can't go back after this condition and conceeded.

Round 3 VS Fire Fist
Game 1 X 
He got a commanding lead and just crush to my defences. He stop all my plays, warning my monster and just attacking directly while controlling the field with bear and gorilla

Game 2 X
I got my side board card zombie world to stop him to use wolfbark and bujintei kagutsuchi
But it didn't last that long and he managed to xyz tiger king.
Fortunately I managed to synchro Scrap dragon and remove his trap and killing his bear. 
From here I need to be careful because his tiger king is 2500 with tensen faceup on the field
he set 1 monster and negate scrap dragon effect 
I know he try to cowboy me because my Lp is 300 , he then drew forbidden and attack my scrap dragon for the game

I got eliminated from here XD

I kinda disappointed, but I managed to get a Mat despite all of that and not doing well in YCS Day 1, but I managed to get back on the second day and did well.

Alright everyone, thanks for coming and see you next time 


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