Welcome back and welcome to my Day 1 YCS Sydney Report
When preparing for YCS Sydney, I was contemplating what deck should I use. I have 3 choices of deck that I have that I can play, Mecha Phantom Beast, Madolche, or Windup.
I have the core for Madolche, Tiaramisu, and other Madolche stuff, but unfortunately I don't have the T.G engine that I like to play with, so I put aside Madolche as my choice.
I still have all the core of windup, xyz and the side board for it. I have fun playing windups in Regionals last year and its still a good deck. I have a bad feeling it will happen like Oceanic where when I play windup. I got either veilered or maxx c every single game in the round, and I don't feel fun playing it like that. Secondly I feel I want to play something different that I like to play.
Mecha Phantom Beast
This is a deck that I started playing when they comes out. I love playing this deck and it seems fun to play. I don't think this deck would handle well but I have chosen this deck to play and this is what I play in YCS Sydney.
YCS Decklist:
Monster : 19
Tempest , Dragon Ruler of Storms
Mecha Phantom Beast Kalgriffin
3 Mecha Phantom Beast Megaraptor
3 Mecha Phantom Beast Tetherwolf
2 Mecha Phantom Beast Coltwing
2 Mecha Phantom Beast Blackfalcon
Debris Dragon
2 Mecha Phantom Hamstrat
Mecha Phantom Beast Stealthray
Mecha Phantom Beast Warbluran
2 Effect Veiler
Sacred Sword of Seven Stars
Dark Hole
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Fires of Doomsday
Traps: 15
Bottomless Trap Hole
Mirror Force
Torrential Tribute
2 Dimensional Prison
2 Spiritual Wind Art - Miyabi
Compulsory Evacuation Device
3 Fiendish Chain
2 Aerial Recharge
2 Call of The Haunted
Blank Card is Sword of Seven Stars (borrowed from friend and have been given back)
Debris - level 4 and a tuner, Tempest Fodder, Miyabi Fodder
Effect Veiler - level 1 tuner, Negation effect
Kalgriffin - Seven Sword Fodder , can be special summoned if needed, Tempest Fodder
Stealthray - good turn 1 defence monster, 2100 def, extra mst if needed , for rank 6, Miyabi fodder, no one expect this card to be played
Warbluran - level 1 tuner, Miyabi fodder, get token if synchro for machine monster
Extra Deck :
Armory Arm
Ally of Justice Catastor
Black Rose Dragon
Scrap Dragon
Star Eater
Abyss Dweller
Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
Lightning Chodori
Photon Strike Bounzer
Number 11: Big Eye
Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack
Number 74: Master of Blades
Gaia Dragon, The Thunder Charger
Skypalace Gangaridai
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max
Side Deck:
2 Maxx "C"
2 Royal Decree
2 Zombie World
Mystical Space Typhoon
Dimensional Fissure
Macro Cosmos
2 Debunk
Soul Drain
Electric Virus
2 Light Imprisoning Mirror
Blank Cards are Decree that I borrow, the ones I have are still borrowed by my friend
Armory arm - Level 4 any level 1 tuner + token = Armory Arm
Catastor - any level 4 + level 1 tuner = catastor
Blackrose - debris + stealth / debris + token / 2 token + level 1 tuner = blackrose (for field clear when needed)
Scrap dragon - tempest + level 1 tuner / any level 4 mecha when there is 1 token on field + level 1 tuner = scrap dragon (useful when we can target mecha that cannot be destroyed for a free destruction)
Star Eater - tempest + debri/ any level 4 mecha when there is 1 token on field+ debris= star eater (immune to lances, good against ff ; bait their set tensen before battle phase, Etc)
Dweller - Anti mermail
Maestroke - another rank 4 xyz
Chidori - can spin a potential of 3 cards, any mecha is wind monster
Bounzer - rarely used against slow deck that need setup, and monster negation helps
Big Eye - derp
Dracossack - Derp
Gaia - another level 7
Skypalace - level 10 and a wind
Gustav max - level 10 - burn 2000
Maxx "c"- draw against swarm deck
Decree - stop heavy trap deck
Zombie world - against specific type deck (fire fist, bujin , etc)
mst - extra when needed
Difi - against madolche, mermail
Macro Cosmos - same as difi
Debunk - extra removal for mermail, dark world , maxx c, veiler , honest , crane , turtle , etc
soul drain - stop graveyard eff - turtle, darkworld ,mermail, etc
Electric virus - steal machine, gear gigant x , e dragon , etc
Light imprisoning mirror - anti lightsworn, bujin
A few photo that I took - sorry so bad XD
Alright onto the Rounds Report
Round 1 VS Lighsworn
Game 1 O
Game one went particularly well.
The game started well until he got lumina and wolf on the field where I am concerned because there are 3 lightsworn in the grave, 4 including wolf on the field.
He misplayed so many times not clearing my token, instead ramming into my monster.
when I have a dracossack, he try to paladynamo my draco but i fiendish chain it.
I managed to clear his board after that.
He managed to drop 1 judgement on me and I fiendish chain it.
the game ended by gustav max and a draco direct attack in the next 2 turns.
In the first game he only managed to drop 1 JD and nothing else
Game 2 O
I started the game with kalgriffin and a seven sword.
activating seven sword draws me into a first turn light imprisinong mirror.
He tried to lyla and clearing my facedown, I stopped it with light mirror.
On my turn, I attack lyla and he drop trag.
he summon lumina and try to trag, but forgot my monster are higher level because of tokens
on my next turn , I ended up clearing his field.
He set monster for the next 2 turn, meanwhile foolish burial monster for JD setup
I open my difi and removed his monsters.
He then drop 2 judgement dragon and removed my raptor and a token.
I have to ram my falcon into his JD 2 times in the following 2 turns to create token for big eye. and steal his JD.
He conceded and I won the first round.
Result O O
Round 2 VS Gravekeeper + skill drain
Game 1 X
The game started passively by both of us.
I tried to push my monster into him but he have so much trap to stop all of my plays.
I tried to play more passively since then and try to stop his plays.
Setup hamster and a few more traps
On his turn he still play passively and didnt attack me, which makes me wonder why he didnt attack me
I realize he run skill drain when I flip my hamster the next turn.
at the time I have no out for this and i conceded
Game 2 X
This game is complete wash.
I got completely destroyed since he open malefic stardust dragon and skill drain in his first turn
I try to continue by stalling and trying to draw my sides but its all to nothing.
He royal tribute my hand and mindcrush my Zombie World.
I then Conceeded since I draw no outs
The zombie world is sided in so I can use zombie world to remove his necro valley instead of me have to use mst to clear it, so i can use mst to clear his skill drain.
Result X X
Round 3 VS Harpy
Game 1 O
First game was a bad start for me since he got his hunting ground setup and a few backrow with a harpy on the field.
I managed to push through his backrow and his resources.
and I managed to secure game 1
Game 2 O
I think he made a big mistake here in by discarding his hunting ground for channeler and for hysteric party.
from here he is out of resources and I can just push through his monster easily because my traps are save from destruction
Result O O
Round 4 VS Geargia
Game 1 X
The first game was a complete stomp he got his field setup with burei burei and I don't have enough fire power to push through his big monster. I conceeded soon after because I didn't draw what I needed and I know I won't be able to push through anytime soon
Game 2 O
This game started slowly for both of us. I tried to chidori his field but it got halted by fiendish.
On his next turn he goes for gigant x and search for his machines. He also special fortune tune for defensive purposes since I saw he didn't get a good hand
I pushed through his fortune tune and securing the game with dracosacc
Game 3 X
This game started again with accelerator just biting me down since I draw no monster.
I then drew tetherwolf which helps me and actually stays quite a bit on the field.
He tried to geargiagear where he have no target. So he have to gear gigant x and search his geargiaarmor.
When I attacked his gigant x, he special geargiano to field
The game currently in this setup , he have a burei, defense position geargiano and a stardust. 1 set geargiagear and 1 geargiaarmor in hand plus 1 card in hand.
I managed to steal one burei with big eye in the turn I killed his gigant x
he tried to creature swap my monster but luckily I have a token so I can give him that.
Here is the biggest misplay of the tournament that I made.
He attack the geargiano that he creature swap. Main phase 2 he geargiano mk II getting geargiano and special summoning saizan.
I have a facedown Call of the Haunted and a miyabi
I could've call of the haunted a wind monster since I use big eye effect and can use miyabi to bounce his tuner and could've won me the game but he got blackrose out and clear the field.
I drew veiler but I didn't set it since I know geargiaarmor won't kill me.
But the other card in his hand is GeargiaArsenal and kill me with it
Result X O X
Round 5 VS Machine
Game 1 X
He have machina fortress and gadget setup overwhelming my monsters and winning the first game
Game 2 X
I opened up with Zombie World and Electric Virus
I hold both until he overextend. I summon Falcon and set 2 facedown.
He summon gadget and search another gadget, mind control my falcon and go gigant X, but I stop his search with fiendish chain.
I still hold both my zombie and Virus since I think they are not usefull here
On his turn he go for another gigant x and search gearframe.
The second big misplay that I made is here
I Thought gigant X only search geargia for some reason.
Thats why I didnt electric virus it and still keep it in my hand
The game goes downhill after, he just swarm with gadgets and I died after that
Result X X
Round 6 Vs Maiden Beatdown
Game 1 O
Game started slowly by both of us. he just sit with maiden and I just sit with ray and hamster.
He tried to activate maiden effect using compulsory but I veiler maiden and stop his plays.
I go for Photon strike Bounzer and remove his maiden. The game goes downhill for him after that since he cannot get his monster out.
Game 2 O
Game 2 started well for him because he got alexandrite dragon on the field. and a few set cards that stop my plays. unfortunately he didn't got his maiden to setup his big plays with champion's vigilance
He got BLS out though, but I stop his effect with veiler.
I then big eye his BLS and direct for the game.
Result O O
Round 7 Vs Lswarm
Game 1 X
He got the game up with ophion and followed up by another ophion, I cannot do anything because he just fiendish chain my monster and killing the tokens easily.
Game 2 O
Game 2 started slowly for both of us.
He swarm fast but I managed to get rid of ophion and some of his monster.
I got my setup and got dracosacc out, where he cannot manage to go back and I got this game
Game 3 X
He got ophion and search for pandemic, while having 1 pandemic in hand.
I got no monster and my traps are useless.
I cannot manage to do anything and he just beat me down with ophion
Total Result 3- 4
I ended up on rank 380 for YCS which is actually pretty good playing Mecha Phantom Beast and I'm pretty impressive how my deck does
I think a few cards could be changed in my main deck to make it more better, but overall its pretty good currently.
Alright everyone, This is my Report for YCS Sydney Day 1, stay tune for Day 2 Report
and Dark Magician Girl Mat :D
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