Hello everyone, this is me again.
today i was trying to get Daigusto Emeral or Lavalval Chain in the Hidden Arsenal 7
but this is what i got:
2 Evilswarm Ophion
2 Evilswarm Bahamut
Evilswarm Ouroboros
Evilswarm Heliotrope
Evilswarm Thanatos
Evilswarm Thunderbird
2 Tin Goldfish
Evilswarm Castor
Constellar Pollux
Evilswarm Mandragora
Molten Conduction Field
Constellar Kaus
2 Evilswarm Nightmare
Constellar Hyades
Constellar Praesepe
Constellar Zubeneschamali
Infestation Infection
2 Tin Archduke
D.D Esper Star Sparrow
2 Sophia, Goddess of Rebirth
2 Laval Phlogis
3 Evilswarm Coppelia
3 Evilswarm Ketos
3 Evilswarm Hraesvelg
3 Evilswarm Obliviwisp
Evilswarm Salamandra
3 Evilswarm Golem
2 Evilswarm O'Lantern
2 Evilswarm Zahak
2 Evilswarm Azzathoth
2 Constellar Virgo
3 Constellar Aldebaran
3 Constellar Sheratan
2 Constellar Algiedi
2 Constellar Rasalhague
2 Constellar Antares
2 Constellar Siat
3 Constellar Acubens
2 Infestation Terminus
2 Constelar Star Cradle
3 Constellar Leonis
2 Constellar Alrescha
2 Phoenix Beast Gairuda
3 Gem-Knight Lazuli
2 Constellar Meteor
2 Gusto Griffin
Ironhammer the Giant
Gearspring Spirit
2 Beast-Warrior Puma
2 Gem-Knight Sardonyx
Gishki Avance
2 D.D Jet Iron
Dust Storm of Gusto
3 Fragment Fusion
Gem-Knight Seraphinite
Gem-Knight Zirconia
and other ghiski stuff that i give to my friend straight away
i will be posting my deck list soon for tomorrow tournament and sunday Regional Qualifier
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