Friday, 31 August 2012

Return of the duelist sneek peek and box and banlist

Hello again everyone! This is late post about Return of The Duelist Sneek Peek but i am gonna still post it anyway XD

The Sneek was Last saturday and in the sneek peek, i dont think i saw a gear gigant x
or i may be wrong, anyway i love the new archtype Madolche and looking to creating the deck, currently i dont have any copy of the Puddingcess XD

The Sneek Peek went well and i came 1st place and win the mat
This is the cards that i got:
Noble Knight Gawayn
Madolche Chouxvalier
Revival Golem
Fairy King Albverdich
2 Madolche Tea Break
Heroic Challenger -Double Lance

its not a pretty good packs that i got

i got a box of Return of Duelist yesterday and got these:
2 Soul Drain
2 Dust Knigh
Madolche Chouxvalier
2 Sishunder
Madolche Tea Break
2 Heroic Challenger- Double Lance
2 Mahunder
Spellbook of Wisdom
Geargiano MK-II
Spellbook Library of the Cresent
2 Chronomaly Collossal Head
Chronomaly Crystal Skull
Eco,Mystical Spirit of the Forest
Temperance of Prophecy
Chronomaly Crystal Bones
Illusory Snatcher
2 Superdimensional Robot Galaxy Destroyer
Alchemic Magician
Noble Knight Gawayn
Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech
Gear Gigant X
2 Fairy King Albverdich

i think i got a good box here because i got the Gear Gigant X
but i didnt get a single Madolche Puddingcess :(

The banlist for september have been released and this is my thought about it:
Brionac- no surprise there, because a lot of combo rely on bouncing things with brionac
Future Fusion- once again not very surprised, it sets up a lot of combo and ensure you have something in your grave if it goes through

Chaos Sorcerer- Now the meta have only 1 chaos and 1 bls, removal deck have got their power cut down but can still be run, chaos-dragon deck will have their power cut down too
Inzektor Dragonfly- no surprise how well it did in tournaments
Inzektor Hornet- the engine of the Inzektor deck, not surprised it got hit by the banlist
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon- Chaos Deck become more weaker because red-eyes become 1
Spore- got back from forbidden to 1, we might see a few plant engine surfacing once more
Tsukuyomi- i dont know what they planning to do by releasing tsukuyomi, maybe something? XD
Evighiski Gustkraken- i have no thoughts on this, since i didnt encounter a single Ghiski deck
Wind-up Carrier Zenmaity- no surprise, wind-up wont have the power to loop their opponent hand anymore easily, and the spammability become less powerful
Ultimate Offering- got banned because the release of Gear Gigant x combo with gadgets, powerful

Blackwing-Kalut the Moon Shadow- blackwing become more rare in the meta, so there is no pain in releasing kalut
Debris Dragon- engine with debris also rare nowadays, so no surprise for him getting back up to 2
Rescue Rabbit-Dino rabbit deck will become slower
The Agent of Mystery- Earth same as debris and kalut, angel deck is rare no reason not to release it from limited
Tour Guide from the Underworld- no surprise , all xyz deck currently use this and it is very good
A Hero Lives- have no thoughts , havent seen hero deck
E-Emergency Call- have no thoughts haven't seen hero deck
Heiratic  Seal of Convocation-Pretty good card since it can search any heiratic monster withour restriction and drawback
Reasoning- good card to mill your deck , so reasonable to be semi-limited
Mirror Force- we will have to play starlight road now with 2 force, darkhole, heavy and now 2 force

No-Longer On List:
Marshmallon- nowadays its easy to get rid of monster like this
Necro Gardna- more deck are now so fast that it wont be hinder by this
Destiny Draw- to substitute the cards that got into the banlist for hero
Emergency Teleport- TELE DAD will come back XD
Level Limit Area B too many xyz can just bypass this
Swords of Revealing Light- 3 mst, heavy storm, i dont think swords will hinder player that much
Magic Cylinder- we may see an unexpected defeat after got hit by your own monster once again

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