Friday, 31 August 2012

Return of the duelist sneek peek and box and banlist

Hello again everyone! This is late post about Return of The Duelist Sneek Peek but i am gonna still post it anyway XD

The Sneek was Last saturday and in the sneek peek, i dont think i saw a gear gigant x
or i may be wrong, anyway i love the new archtype Madolche and looking to creating the deck, currently i dont have any copy of the Puddingcess XD

The Sneek Peek went well and i came 1st place and win the mat
This is the cards that i got:
Noble Knight Gawayn
Madolche Chouxvalier
Revival Golem
Fairy King Albverdich
2 Madolche Tea Break
Heroic Challenger -Double Lance

its not a pretty good packs that i got

i got a box of Return of Duelist yesterday and got these:
2 Soul Drain
2 Dust Knigh
Madolche Chouxvalier
2 Sishunder
Madolche Tea Break
2 Heroic Challenger- Double Lance
2 Mahunder
Spellbook of Wisdom
Geargiano MK-II
Spellbook Library of the Cresent
2 Chronomaly Collossal Head
Chronomaly Crystal Skull
Eco,Mystical Spirit of the Forest
Temperance of Prophecy
Chronomaly Crystal Bones
Illusory Snatcher
2 Superdimensional Robot Galaxy Destroyer
Alchemic Magician
Noble Knight Gawayn
Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech
Gear Gigant X
2 Fairy King Albverdich

i think i got a good box here because i got the Gear Gigant X
but i didnt get a single Madolche Puddingcess :(

The banlist for september have been released and this is my thought about it:
Brionac- no surprise there, because a lot of combo rely on bouncing things with brionac
Future Fusion- once again not very surprised, it sets up a lot of combo and ensure you have something in your grave if it goes through

Chaos Sorcerer- Now the meta have only 1 chaos and 1 bls, removal deck have got their power cut down but can still be run, chaos-dragon deck will have their power cut down too
Inzektor Dragonfly- no surprise how well it did in tournaments
Inzektor Hornet- the engine of the Inzektor deck, not surprised it got hit by the banlist
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon- Chaos Deck become more weaker because red-eyes become 1
Spore- got back from forbidden to 1, we might see a few plant engine surfacing once more
Tsukuyomi- i dont know what they planning to do by releasing tsukuyomi, maybe something? XD
Evighiski Gustkraken- i have no thoughts on this, since i didnt encounter a single Ghiski deck
Wind-up Carrier Zenmaity- no surprise, wind-up wont have the power to loop their opponent hand anymore easily, and the spammability become less powerful
Ultimate Offering- got banned because the release of Gear Gigant x combo with gadgets, powerful

Blackwing-Kalut the Moon Shadow- blackwing become more rare in the meta, so there is no pain in releasing kalut
Debris Dragon- engine with debris also rare nowadays, so no surprise for him getting back up to 2
Rescue Rabbit-Dino rabbit deck will become slower
The Agent of Mystery- Earth same as debris and kalut, angel deck is rare no reason not to release it from limited
Tour Guide from the Underworld- no surprise , all xyz deck currently use this and it is very good
A Hero Lives- have no thoughts , havent seen hero deck
E-Emergency Call- have no thoughts haven't seen hero deck
Heiratic  Seal of Convocation-Pretty good card since it can search any heiratic monster withour restriction and drawback
Reasoning- good card to mill your deck , so reasonable to be semi-limited
Mirror Force- we will have to play starlight road now with 2 force, darkhole, heavy and now 2 force

No-Longer On List:
Marshmallon- nowadays its easy to get rid of monster like this
Necro Gardna- more deck are now so fast that it wont be hinder by this
Destiny Draw- to substitute the cards that got into the banlist for hero
Emergency Teleport- TELE DAD will come back XD
Level Limit Area B too many xyz can just bypass this
Swords of Revealing Light- 3 mst, heavy storm, i dont think swords will hinder player that much
Magic Cylinder- we may see an unexpected defeat after got hit by your own monster once again

Sunday, 15 July 2012

June and Spring has come!

Hello everyone! it's me again XD
I have finished my first semester in my university in Australia ,WOOT!
haha i am excited and happy at the same time. Currently i havent seen my exam mark, but hopefully its all good :D

well since the last post, i have played at least 400 games of Dota 2 and i found that a lot of games @_@ 
this is the screen shot of my profile in steam for Dota 2

Currently im on holidays and im visiting Jakarta to meet up with my family and freinds :D
I've just come back from singapore for a quick visit to close the end of my brother's holiday.

ill post about my visit in singapore later.

i cant wait for the winter in Australia to end and of course to welcome spring XD

well thats all for today's post everyone see ya later

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Wind-up and DotA 2

Hello everyone!

i haven't post anything since February lol
anyway, onto the main topic

In yu-gi-oh currently i am playing using my wind-up deck, yes this is a new deck that i made and its working perfectly fine, ill post the decklist in some time soon.

While in DotA i am currently still playing it and excited to play the heroes that haven't been released by valve yet WOO!!

the reason i haven't been posting is i have Uni stuff to do and i kinda forgot i have a blog to run LOL!
anyway guys, thats all for today's post see you next time!

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

DotA 2 Beta Keys :D

Hey everyone,
when today i was looking up in my email, i saw this private messages from playdota

i wonder, hmmm whats up
then i read this one email it says i have won a Beta key !
WOOT :D i am so happy now, but i already have my DotA 2 activated

so i think i will be giving this key to my friend :)

Happy Moment of Winning a Draw :D :D :D :P

Thursday, 19 January 2012

SOPA rant :3

well if you don't know what SOPA or PIPA is ill give you some head start

SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act)

Basicly this act says that if you have something copyrighted by a someone else, they have a right to shut your website, id, or ext that have something to do with it

well, is that good for us?
NO! i don't think so. this affects our freedom in the internet. people in the internet usually posted something which is actually made by themselves, customized from the original or something already been made and they edited more.

let say i have a picture which is made by a person and post it here. for whatever reason i put in, they can say that they will shut me down.

in my opinion, this is ridiculous. if this act goes through, sites like youtube, facebook, wikipedia, ext will be gone if they have some copyrighted material in it, which i doubt they don't have

my point is, if this act goes through, we will never see the internet we see now!

i think that's today's post about the SOPA blackout websites are running


Thursday, 5 January 2012

Dota fail #1- 2012

Hello everyone! this is my first DotA video XD
featuring me playing Dota