SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act)
Basicly this act says that if you have something copyrighted by a someone else, they have a right to shut your website, id, or ext that have something to do with it
well, is that good for us?
NO! i don't think so. this affects our freedom in the internet. people in the internet usually posted something which is actually made by themselves, customized from the original or something already been made and they edited more.
let say i have a picture which is made by a person and post it here. for whatever reason i put in, they can say that they will shut me down.
in my opinion, this is ridiculous. if this act goes through, sites like youtube, facebook, wikipedia, ext will be gone if they have some copyrighted material in it, which i doubt they don't have
my point is, if this act goes through, we will never see the internet we see now!
i think that's today's post about the SOPA blackout websites are running
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