YCS Sydney Day 1
Hello everyone, this is me again and I am here to report you the YCS experience that I have last weekend.
The deck that I use is my Mecha Phantom Beast deck. This is the Decklist:
Monster (16) :
2 Mathematician
3 Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion
3 Mecha Phantom Beast Tetherwolf
1 Mecha Phantom Beast Hamstrat
3 Mecha Phantom Beast Megaraptor
2 Mecha Phantom Beast Blackfalcon
1 Mecha Phantom Beast Harrliard
1 Mecha Phantom Beast Coltwing
* Why no Tempest?
- (1) I feel like I needed the O-lion in the grave to setup for the extra normal summon
- (1) I feel like I needed the O-lion in the grave to setup for the extra normal summon
- (2) I feel the number of monster is too few to run it
* 1 Hamstrat?
- I am not playing the 6 and 9 xyz so he is there just to setup when necessary or extra reborn
* Mathematician?
- to drop O-lion or coltwing to the grave, good to setup next turn play and it let me draw a card
The Bad:
- Hamstrat was only used once the whole day throughout the 7 Rounds, it did won the game though
- Having a Tempest, maybe would make a difference
- Mathematician was mainly used for a destruction effect target instead of the draw
- Opening Hamstrat never spawn token, will always die to effects before flipping
The Good :
- Opening Mathematician and a Mecha Phantom Beast is really good setup
- Coltwing Effect is useful throughout the day
- Harrliard replaces token when needed
- Blackfalcon drags out the duel
Spells (6) :
1 Foolish Burial
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Draw Muscle
* Draw Muscle?
- Serve as a defensive to prevent token to get destroyed because token is important and it is a set card for MST bait and they never expected it
* No Supply Squad?
- tested it with the supply squad, it is good, but sometimes token is necessary to be alive
* No scapegoat?
- Feel like scapegoat will clog the field
* No Raigeki/ Dark Hole?
- Dark hole was kinda bad against Shadoll, Burning Abyss, so i took it out
- Raigeki on the other hand , I have none; So yeah :(
The Bad:
- Raigeki was needed so badly to clear some stuff, even though those stuff are Artifact and Dante
- Scapegoat would be good in some scenarios to drag on the game
- Supply Squad maybe would make a difference
The Good :
- Draw Muscle make the opponent waste effect on tokens
- Most people are surprised for draw muscle
- Foolish with Megaraptor is a great opening hand
Trap (18) :
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
3 Aerial Recharge
2 Wiretap
1 Solemn Warning
2 Spiritual Wind Art -Miyabi
2 Breakthrough Skill
2 Dimensional Prison
1 Torrential Tribute
2 Call of the Haunted
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Tyrant's Temper
* Tyrant's Temper?
- because there is so many targetable trap cards (raigeki break, karma cut, compulsory evac, etc) this is good, it also serve as an anti Skill drain
The Bad:
- Wiretap and Tyrant's Temper was not really useful; Wiretap was only used ONCE out of the 7 Round where it was useful, every other scenarios it was more likely a dead draw. Tyrant's temper was not used at all
The Good :
- Breakthrough Skill was really helpful
Extra (15) :
1 Giganticastle
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Armades, Keeper of Boundaries
1 Skypalace Gangaridai
1 Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max
2 Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack
1Number 11: Big Eye
1 Goyo Guardian
1 Gear Gigant X
1 Diamond Dire Wolf
1 Lightning Chidori
1 Abyss Dweller
1 Number 101: Silent Honor ARK
1 Number 74: Master of Blades
* Giganticasle?
- 3100 To kill over Leo when necessary, and a level 9 Synchro
* Gigant X?
- serve as a searcher when there is no raptor in hand and it is necessary to search
* Diamond Dire Wolf?
- To pop some stuff if necessary
* Master of Blades?
- Anti karma cut, dimensional prison, raigeki break, general targetable cards
The Bad:
- Giganticasle insta died to traps
- Gear Gigant X, Abyss Dweller plays is weak
- Diamond Dire Wolf and master of blades was never made
- Goyo have it's moment, but never had the chance to made it
The Good :
-Chidori Works wondrous
- Aramdes also did it job
Dimensional Fissure x1
Zombie World x1
Soul Drain x1
Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell x1
Macro Cosmos x1
Tyrant's Tummyache x2
Share the Pain x2
Typhoon x2
Shadow Imprisoning Mirror x2
Light Imprisoning Mirror x2
* Zombie World?
- For Noble Knight Matchup, anti system down
* Why not DNA surgery for anti system down?
- Just got it after day 2 :(
* Cursed seal with 6 spells?
- Yes, it is still a good card to stop Shadoll Fusion, Qliphort Scout or System Down
- Yes, it is still a good card to stop Shadoll Fusion, Qliphort Scout or System Down
* Tyrant's Tummyache?
- When tested, it was really good against Yang Zing and Qliphort
* Share The Pain?
- Anti Single big monster for Noble Knight, Apoqliphort Killer, etc
- Anti Single big monster for Noble Knight, Apoqliphort Killer, etc
The Bad:
- Never played against any shadoll or qliphort , so half of the side is useless
The Good :
- Light Imprisoning did it work
Round 1 VS GhostrickSpirit
Game 1 X
His Nigitama Aratama into feral imp and search kagetokage. Followed by dropping dark armed next turn win him the game
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
7200 | 8000 | Feral Imp -> Math |
7200 | 6300 | Tetherwolf Direct |
5400 | 6300 | Dark Armed Direct |
4600 | 6300 | Aratama Direct |
1800 | 6300 | Dark Armed Direct |
0 | 6300 | 101 Direct |
Game 2 X
He open up the game with 101 and I only drawing math and no other monster lose me the game.
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
8000 | 6500 | Math Direct |
7400 | 6500 | 101 -> Math |
5300 | 6500 | 101 Direct |
3200 | 6500 | 101 Direct |
1100 | 6500 | 101 Direct |
0 | 6500 | 101 Direct |
The Bad:
- I sided in Light and Shadow Mirror against him, both were hit by his MST in the second game.
- Opening Math into nothing for both games is pretty bad
- In game 2 I shouldve torrential when he nigitama aratama before he 101, because I only open torrential and bottomless. The bottomless was used to remove Black Luster Soldier Envoy of the Beginning 1 turn before I die.
The Good:
- Opening with double mirror is pretty good.
- Math has setup the field for both game
Round 2 VS Ghostrick
Game 1 O
I opened up a pretty good hand, he was just trying to stall until he got his advantage, but i removed that possibility early enough.
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
7700 | 8000 | Ghost Mummy -> Blackfalcon 300 |
7700 | 6100 | Chidori direct |
7700 | 3800 | Armades direct |
7700 | 1900 | Chidori direct |
7700 | 200 | Tetherwolf direct |
7700 | 0 | Armades Direct |
Game 2 O
He really didn't open a good hand in this game
The Bad:
- Nothing this round
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
8000 | 7250 | Math -> 750 |
8000 | 5150 | Tetherwolf -> Jiangshi 2100 |
8000 | 3650 | Math direct |
8000 | 1750 | Raptor direct |
8000 | 250 | Math direct |
8000 | 0 | Raptor Direct |
The Bad:
- Nothing this round
The Good:
- Open mediocre to good hand
Round 3 VS Photon
Game 1 O
The first game was kinda troublesome where she make Constellar Omega first turn. But surprisingly, she didn't kill token and instead hit my mathematician, making me able to make a comeback and push to victory
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
7100 | 8000 | Constellar Omega-> Math 900 |
6200 | 8000 | Omega -> Math 900 |
6200 | 5200 | Scrap dragon Direct 2800 |
6200 | 3600 | Coltwing Direct 1600 |
6200 | 800 | Scrap Direct 2800 |
4200 | 800 | Solemn Warning |
4200 | 0 | Coltwing direct |
Game 2 O
We both got a brick hand, but mine was slightly better
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
8000 | 6500 | Math direct |
8000 | 5000 | Math direct |
8000 | 3000 | Math direct |
8000 | 1500 | Math direct |
8000 | 800 | Math direct |
8000 | 0 | Math Direct |
- Drawing only mathematician on the second game
The Good:
- Opponent brick second game hand too
Round 4 VS Tellarknight
Game 1 X
He open up an absolute bomb hand with interstellar nova plus a solemn warning.
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
9000 | 8000 | Upstart Goblin |
6900 | 8000 | Triverr Direct 2100 |
6300 | 8000 | Triverr -> Math 600 |
4800 | 8000 | Deneb Direct 1500 |
3100 | 8000 | Altair Direct 1700 |
1000 | 8000 | Triverr Direct 2100 |
0 | 8000 | Deneb Direct |
Game 2 X
I opened up with my Light mirror, but I didn't draw more monster to back it up, he also stalls until he got plays and kills me afterwards
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
9000 | 8000 | Upstart Goblin |
9000 | 6100 | Raptor direct 1900 |
8100 | 6100 | Delteros -> Raptor 900 |
7600 | 6100 | Falcon -> Altair 500 |
7600 | 4100 | Soul Charge 2000 |
7300 | 4100 | Falcon -> Castel 300 |
6900 | 4100 | Sirius -> Falcon 400 |
4400 | 4100 | Delteros direct 2500 |
0 | 4100 | Scoop |
The Bad:
- Tellarknight is a bad matchup, too much resources needed to remove the combo
- Game 2 hand was not optimal
- Falcon pretty much drags out the game on Game 2
The Good:
- Side board card in the opening hand
- Falcon pretty much drags out second game on Game 2
- Falcon pretty much drags out second game on Game 2
Round 5 Six Sam
Game 1 X
Was a good opening hand, but Heroic Champion Gandiva killed all strategy.
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
8000 | 7000 | Falcon-> Kageki 1000 |
5700 | 7000 | Legendary Shien -> Falcon 1300 |
4000 | 7000 | Legendary Enishi -> 1700 |
1900 | 7000 | Gandiva Direct |
0 | 7000 | Scoop |
Game 2 X
Opened up pretty decent, but because i warning one of his monster, he ended up using Double Edge sword technique and getting more advantage afterwards
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
8000 | 6300 | Tetherwolf Direct 1700 |
8000 | 4600 | Tetherwolf Direct 1700 |
7900 | 4600 | Kizan -> Tetherwolf 100 |
5900 | 4600 | Solemn warning |
5600 | 4600 | Excalibur -> Tetherwolf 300 |
3100 | 4600 | Shogun Shien 2500 |
0 | 4100 | Scoop |
The Bad:
- Gandiva on the first game is really hard to deal with
- Game 2, got 2 breakthrough in hand, and wasn't really helping
- Sideboard card is not really optimal to beat six sams
- Gandiva on the first game is really hard to deal with
- Game 2, got 2 breakthrough in hand, and wasn't really helping
- Sideboard card is not really optimal to beat six sams
The Good:
- there is none this round
Round 6 VS Burning Abyss
Game 1 O
This game was pretty fast and pretty easy, his combo was stopped with an early dweller and he thought he survived for one more turn, gustav seal the deal
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
7400 | 8000 | Dante -> Raptor 600 |
7400 | 7700 | Dweller -> Calcab 300 |
7400 | 5800 | Raptor Direct 1900 |
6600 | 5800 | Dante-> Dweller 800 |
6600 | 4100 | Tetherwolf direct 1700 |
6600 | 2900 | Falcon Direct 1200 |
6600 | 1000 | Raptor Direct 1900 |
6600 | 0 | Gustav effect 2000 |
Game 2 X
Second game he got virgil first turn , and his advantage grows further into double dante. Where he goes downered magician and piercing me to death using my token
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
7000 | 8000 | Virgil -> Math 1000 |
5600 | 8000 | Calcab Direct 1400 |
5600 | 7800 | Coltwing-> Calcab 200 |
4700 | 7800 | Dante->Coltwing 900 |
3700 | 7800 | Dante-> Math 1000 |
1400 | 7800 | Downered -> Token 2300 |
0 | 7800 | Downered -> Token lethal |
Game 3 X
I got a brick hand this game and he got a decent hand
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
7200 | 8000 | Dante->Tetherwolf 800 |
4700 | 8000 | Virgil Direct 2500 |
3200 | 8000 | Math Direct 1500 |
700 | 8000 | Virgil Direct 2500 |
400 | 8000 | Falcon -> Math 300 |
0 | 8000 | Math Direct lethal |
The Bad:
- Dante and virgil is hard to deal with
- not a single sideboard card is drawn
- Dante and virgil is hard to deal with
- not a single sideboard card is drawn
The Good:
- Didn't get hit by a single burning lake
- he mills both of his system down
- he mills both of his system down
Round 7 VS Watt
Game 1 O
He didn't get his watt hopper lock and he scoop.
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
7200 | 8000 | Raioh-> Hamstrat 800 |
7200 | 7000 | Hamstrat -> Dragonfly 1000 |
7200 | 6000 | Hamstrat -> Dragonfly 1000 |
6200 | 6000 | Cobra direct 1000 |
6200 | 4500 | Tetherwolf -> Cobra 1500 |
6200 | 0 | enemy scoop |
Game 2 X
He got hopper lock and he starlight road my torrential, and because i have no other outs, I scoop.
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
8000 | 7900 | Messenger of peace 100 |
8000 | 7900 | Messenger of peace 100 |
8000 | 7800 | Messenger of peace 100 |
8000 | 7700 | Messenger of peace 100 |
8000 | 7600 | Messenger of peace 100 |
8000 | 7500 | Messenger of peace 100 |
7000 | 7500 | Cobra Direct |
0 | 7500 | Scoop |
Game 3 O
He have the hopper lock and didn't do it , and therefore he scoop because i can just attack him directly with the stolen cobra
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
7000 | 8000 | Cobra direct 1000 |
7000 | 6200 | Goyo -> Cobra 1800 |
7000 | 5100 | Hamstrat Direct 1100 |
7000 | 0 | Enemy Scoop |
The Bad:
- I only have 1 answer to hopper lock which is torrential, the other method, gustav max is not reliable
- no sideboard card that is usable
- I only have 1 answer to hopper lock which is torrential, the other method, gustav max is not reliable
- no sideboard card that is usable
The Good:
- He misplayed the last game
- Got goyo guardian early to get his cobra if needed later on
It was another good experience. I was expecting to play against more meta decks, but apparently according to the statistics, there are a lot more rogue deck than the top decks
I am considering of playing a meta deck if there is gonna be another YCS
I will be writing the day 2 report even though I didn't do much on the second day
- Got goyo guardian early to get his cobra if needed later on
It was another good experience. I was expecting to play against more meta decks, but apparently according to the statistics, there are a lot more rogue deck than the top decks
I am considering of playing a meta deck if there is gonna be another YCS
I will be writing the day 2 report even though I didn't do much on the second day