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Tuesday, 11 June 2013
World Championship Qualifier
Hello everyone!
I will now give you a report of WCQ: Oceanic Championship
first of all I am playing wind-up, the problem that happen every single time here is they drop effect veiler, maxx "C". so i reluctant to go off since if i go off and stop they will just crush me.
So then many people ask why i don't play something like e-dragons or mermail or even prophecies? ermmm i have no money to spend for those deck =.=
dracossac -> ~$130 each
big eye -> ~$110 each
spellbook of Judgment ->~$70 each
megalo ->~$50 each
so i dont think so
1st round VS E-dragon X O X
1st match -> he got his setup working and otk me with return from different dimension
2nd match -> i open up mind drain, imperial iron wall, solemn and fiendish chain
i set all of that summon rabbit then end
his turn, standby phase i open mind drain, he activate gold sac, i respond with imperial iron summon stream attack into rabbit, he attack rabbit, i open fiendish, he pass turn
my turn i kill stream, direct with rabbit
next turn he set and passes
i attack him again with no response and pass my turn
he drew mst and try to mst mind drain i solemn and he scoop
3rd match-> he open up with dracossac first, i have triple rat hand
he goes to second dracossac and i just scoop there
2nd round vs Firefist O X D
1st match -> standard opening from both player, in the last few turns, i monster reborn his bear, use its effect to send tenki and kill his gene warp , where make me win the games a few turn after that
2nd match -> she open up with tenki search bear, summon gene
i was thinking she is holding it for something
so i set mind crush
he goes tenki into second bear and i mind crush the bear dropping 3 bear into the grave, but she still win with avarice and tiger king
3rd match -> draw because time was called by the judge
3rd round vs evilswarm X X
1st match -> standard ophion opening against my triple mst hand, with only magician, scoop after he have 2 ophion on field
2nd match-> he open with deck lockdown stopping my factory, when i flip magician he gozen, i just went downfall after that
4th round vs E-dragon X O X
1st match-> draccosac, then big eye stealing my volcasaurus kills me
2nd match -> pretty even matchup i drop droll and lock stopping his moves. we ended up 400 vs 200 hp where he scoop because he have no out
3rd match -> he open pretty good with rejuvenation for 4, i have no answer for his big monster
from here on i drop out of the championship because i already have 2 loss and 1 draw so i am not getting a top 16 cut-off and i played in the win a box tournament
1st round VS counter fairy antimeta X O X
1st match -> he have all the counter with safe zone fossil dyna to kill my combo
2nd match -> he drew no monster after a few turns and scoop the game
3rd match -> he have full control 2 raioh, full backrow, i have no out
2nd round vs Evilswarm O X O
1st match -> he didnt get his ophion out a single time and i just kill him there
2nd match -> he got his ophion out and followed by 2 kerykion next turn into another ophion, ended up winning his game
3rd match -> i win the game by killing 2 of his ophion. he attack with 1, then i use mirroforce, he chain safezone, i chain dimensional clearing his field
3rd round vs Evilswarm O X O
1st match -> standard opening for both player
2nd match -> he got ophion control and i just lose there
3rd match -> he misplayed. i have rabbit and warrior, i activate warrior eff to make rabbit level 4 he have 2 set and an ophion. he chain stygian dirge lowering all my monster by 1, making rabbit and warrior level 3, i have a shark on hand, so i go into invoker volcasaurus, winning the game
4th round vs Mermail X O X
1st match -> i misplayed by opening with zenmaines. he pop zenmaines , i saved it, then he goes big eye mst one of my backrow, then end phase zenmaines clear my board. then i set a monster, he just took it with big eye, and kill me there
2nd match -> i open up with dimensional fissure. he stall 2 turn with heavy infantry , then diva into marksman, when he gachi, i torrential killing marksman but saving my rabbit. he have out of option after that and scoop
3rd match -> he got a perfect setup and win the game early.
i also ended up dropping here because i will not win the box because i have 2 lost and its only a 5 round tournament. its ok but i have fun yesterday .
Deck found in oceanic :
Anti-meta variant
Pure Lavalval
Fire fist
Batling Boxer
deck list :
Monster 14 :
2 Tour guide of the underworld
2 wind up warrior
3 wind up shark
3 wind up rat
3 wind up rabbit
1 wind up magician
Spell 13:
3 Mystical Space typhoon
1 dark hole
1 heavy storm
1 fire formation tenki
1 monster reborn
3 wind up factory
1 pot of duality
1 pot of avarice
1 mind control
Trap 13 :
2 fiendish chain
2 dimensional prison
2 torrential tribute
2 bottomless trap hole
2 mirror force
1 starlight road
1 solemn judgement
1 solemn warning
Extra 15:
1 temtempo the percussion djinn
1 wind up zenmaines
1 leviathan dragon
1 m-x saber invoker
1 soul silvermountain
1 maestroke
1 shock master
1 abyss dweller
1 papilloperative
1 gaia charger
1 tiras
1 volcasaurus
1 acid golem
1 stardust
Side 15 :
2 imperial iron wall
2 mind drain
2 soul drain
2 maxx c
2 dimensional fissure
1 droll and lock bird
1 fossil dyna
2 tragoedia
1 mind crush
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