Monday, 29 April 2013

WCQ Parramatta Regional

Today i qualify for Oceanic after i go to 2 regional and played Madolche
This regional, i went with wind-up and get 6-2 for the whole tournament and get around 15th~ out of 130~ people

1st Round:
Six Sams Matchup  O O
1st game:
Six sam open up with Kizan, Beast and Shien
and drop me to 1500 lp, i clear his field with sharks and magician, volcasaurus beast, maestroke kizan, overlay gaia charger and attack shien with it, maestroke attack kizan.
he have no cards on his hand and scoop to go to second game

2nd game:
i open up with level limit area B and force him to mist wurm it.
i once again volcasaurus mist wurm and go into gaia and he scoop again because he have nothing

2nd Round:
Lightsworn Matchup O X X
1st game:
 was an even matchup but i ended up winning
2nd game:
 he got off judgement effect, second judgement and reborn wulf from grave for game
3rd game:
i float on rabbit but ended up getting no monster other than warrior, then keep drawing spell and traps, so i scoop last game
3rd Round:
Macro Rabbit Matchup X O O
1st game:
started up with a rabbit, i hit sabersaurus and kabalsaurus with my traps.
he successfully summon a sabersaurus while i have no outs and attack directly
i still draw nothing. Next turn he hit me guaiba and i kill his sabersaurus.
i cannot retaliate and still sit on rabbit.
next turn he laggia me and i scoop because i have no gas
2nd game:
he have nothing the whole game and i got a good hand i ended up winning with only losing life for paying warning.
3rd game:
he draw nothing again this game, and i drew all my answers. This time i used my life for judgement
4th Round:
Chaos Dragon Matchup O X O
1st game:
he got a pretty bad hand and he scoop halfway through because he is out of gas.
2nd game:
he misplayed by summoning card trooper while i have difi
i gave out ryko destroy ability when i have out( @@ i dont know why i did that)
my rabbit hit a gorz and i have no outs, he got double lightpulsar, gorz and the token after he clear my
3rd game:
he open up with eclipse wyvern while i have rabbit on my field, i float it and he attack me directly.
i draw and i got rid of his eclipse. he scoop third turn because his hand was all hand drops so he cant do anything.
5th Round:
Six Sam Matchup O O
1st game:
he got shien first turn but i got rid of it with dimensional prison and fiendish chain. he stall off zenmaines, while i stall of warrior
we keep stalling until i got my cards out and played it out
2nd game:
he open up the game with grandmaster, kizan, kageki with 2 counter on gateway and 3 set cards
i got tour guide off and go for zenmaines while setting 2 dimensional prison and a starlight road.
he attack zenmaines with zanji, i let it go, he attack with kageki and grandmaster, i D.P both of them.
i killed his gateway with zenmaines effect.
i got rid of his zanji, the next turn with mirror force and i float rabbit around.
i go into acid golem and beat his facedown monster
he doesnt have answers and i won the game
6th Round:
Fire Fist Matchup O O
1st game:
he opened up rabbit into tiger king and set-up his field, he warning my tourguide on my turn.
he got tengu out with 1900 attack because of 2 tenki and hit me after i mirror force tiger king and the other tengu
i ended up getting my combo off and win.
2nd game:
i open up rabbit and float around it and i direct attack him twice.
he hit me with gene warp and another monster i forgot.
i draw into my combo and he doesnt have a way out.
7th Round:
Monarch Matchup X O O
1st game:
he got his monarch combo, soul exchange my monster and win the game with it.
2nd game:
i open up with warrior.he draw really badly and doesnt have answers.
3rd game:
he opened up with jinzo, but i got dark hole in my hand and got rid of it as fast as i can.
i attack him with rabbit and set mst.
he razia my set mst and attack me directly with it.
next turn i drop my mst straight on his backrow and win the game with invoker volcasaurus
8th Round:
Mermail Matchup X X
1st game:
he have answers for all of my stuff and he killed me.
2nd game:
i got my magician and 2 shark combo off into shockmaster. i declare monster, attack into a mirror force and lost it.
i have no answers and monsters and he killed me with his monsters.
note: NO megalo was dropped on this both game
Deck run in today's regional:(that i saw)
Anti-meta variant
Chaos Dragon
Six Sams
Dino Rabbit and its variant
Fire Fist
Machina variant (karakuri, tin goldfish geargia, etc)

So this is today's Regional result,i will give next regional(next month), national and probably oceanic too (june/july), while now, back to uni stuff XD

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Saturday Tournament 28/4/2013


Ghiski O O
First Round, Summon thunderking and win with it he doesnt have a way out after a few tries
Second Round, got D.fissure and stall a few turn before winning the game.

Rabbit X X
Both Round he got all answers

Insector: O X O
First Round: he overextend dark armed without killing my backrow, ending in a loss for him
Second Round: he draw triple centipede and beat me down, i have no monster
Third Round: i beat him without him having a chance to do anything

Hero: O O
First Round: he excalibur into his death, because he have no backrow
Second Round: i got all answers to his stuff

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Wind-Up Revisited

Hello Everyone,

today i will be giving you a decklist of my wind-up deck that i will be using to play in tomorrow local tournament and Regional Qualifiers, i have been to 2 Regional but i played Madolche there so i wanted to qualify and actually thinking of playing back to wind-up

here is the decklist:
42 Cards:
16 Monsters:
2 Tour Guide From the Underworld
2 Thunder King Rai-Oh
Wind-up Magician
3 Wind-up Shark
3 Wind-up Rat
3 Wind-up Rabbit
2 Wind-up Warrior

13 Traps:
Solemn Judgement
Stralight Road
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Fiendish Chain
2 Torrential Tribute
2 Dimensional Prison
2 Mirror Force
Solemn Warning

13 Spells:
Fire Formation- Tenki
Monster Reborn
2 Pot of Duality
Dark Hole
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
Heavy Storm
Pot of Avarice
3 Wind-up Factory

Extra Deck:
Soul of Silvermountain
Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
Number 39 : Utopia
Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
Photon Papilloperative
Number 61: Volcasaurus
Wind-up Zenmaines
Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
Steelswarm Roach
M-X-Saber Invoker
Leviair the Sea Dragon
Number 16: Shock Master
Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction
Stardust Dragon

Side Deck:
2 Snowman Eater
2 Soul Taker
2 Level Limit Area- B
2 Maxx "C"
2 Dimensional Fissure
2 Light Imprisoning Mirror
2 Dark Imprisoning Mirror
Dust Tornado

i will report about the tournament tomorrow and the regional on sunday

Hidden Arsenal : 7 Knight of Stars

Hello everyone, this is me again.

today i was trying to get Daigusto Emeral or Lavalval Chain in the Hidden Arsenal 7

but this is what i got:
2 Evilswarm Ophion
2 Evilswarm Bahamut
Evilswarm Ouroboros
Evilswarm Heliotrope
Evilswarm Thanatos
Evilswarm Thunderbird
2 Tin Goldfish
Evilswarm Castor
Constellar Pollux
Evilswarm Mandragora
Molten Conduction Field
Constellar Kaus
2 Evilswarm Nightmare
Constellar Hyades
Constellar Praesepe
Constellar Zubeneschamali
Infestation Infection
2 Tin Archduke
D.D Esper Star Sparrow
2 Sophia, Goddess of Rebirth
2 Laval Phlogis
3 Evilswarm Coppelia
3 Evilswarm Ketos
3 Evilswarm Hraesvelg
3 Evilswarm Obliviwisp
Evilswarm Salamandra
3 Evilswarm Golem
2 Evilswarm O'Lantern
2 Evilswarm Zahak
2 Evilswarm Azzathoth
2 Constellar Virgo
3 Constellar Aldebaran
3 Constellar Sheratan
2 Constellar Algiedi
2 Constellar Rasalhague
2 Constellar Antares
2 Constellar Siat
3 Constellar Acubens
2 Infestation Terminus
2 Constelar Star Cradle
3 Constellar Leonis
2 Constellar Alrescha
2 Phoenix Beast Gairuda
3 Gem-Knight Lazuli
2 Constellar Meteor
2 Gusto Griffin
Ironhammer the Giant
Gearspring Spirit
2 Beast-Warrior Puma
2 Gem-Knight Sardonyx
Gishki Avance
2 D.D Jet Iron
Dust Storm of Gusto
3 Fragment Fusion
Gem-Knight Seraphinite
Gem-Knight Zirconia

and other ghiski stuff that i give to my friend straight away
i will be posting my deck list soon for tomorrow tournament and sunday Regional Qualifier