Thursday, 1 September 2011

Dragon Deck Updated September Banlist!!!

3 Masked Dragon (Standard)
3 Red Eyes Wyvern (because this monster can also be used for a beatstick even though usually i encounter many 1900 monster, and i rather run 3 than 2 because i have occurrences where 2 wyvern doesnt help me to bring Darkness Metal out that fast)
3 Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon (Standard)
3 Dodger Dragon ( as the name said, it "Dodges" judgement, warning and any other counter trap that actually can kill Darkness Metal even though it still dies with bottomless)
Prime Material Dragon (i think this is Standard)
2 Koaki Meiru Drago (i prefer 2 than 3 because it also kills me when i cant summon my red eyes)
2 Totem Dragon (this is useful when i dont have a field setup and this card actually help me with ensuring a Darkness Metal for the turn or for synchro purposes)
2 Delta Flyer (i use it mainly just for synchro so putting 3 in my opinion is too much because you have Darkness Metal to Recycle it)
Exploder Dragon (it helps to kill unkillable high level monster when you have Darkness Metal in field, or it can also be a surprise element for your opponent)
3 Poki Draco (i love this card especially the artwork :3, and actually this also eat the minus you have to summon Darkness Metal from your hand. and this guy is a level 3 so it can also be used as a synchro material despite its low attack)
Debris Dragon (revives Totem, or Poki Draco. i use it to bring out blackrose mainly)

Book of Moon (standard)
Future Fusion (standard)
Dark Hole (standard)
Monster reborn (standard)
2 Mystical Space Typhoon (i dont want to use 3 because it sometimes will make a dead draw in my hand)
Heavy Storm (err Substitute for trunade so Standard ? haha :3)

Torrential Tribute(standard)
Mirror force (standard)
2 Bottomless Trap Hole (standard)
Solemn Judgement (standard)
2 Seven tools ( because im running a dragon deck build which is aggressive so i need to break through my opponent's defenses )
2 Call of The Haunted( this card will help me to bring back darkness metal to reinforce the field)

Extra Deck(15):
Five-Headed Dragon(standard)
Iron Chain Dragon (need to change this to orient dragon )
Stardust Dragon(standard)
2 Blackrose Dragon( once is not enough to blow the field up ;p)
Steelswarm Roach (negation effect is good even though it keep my totem in place :p)
Ancient Fairy Dragon (its a 3000 defence monster, it can help you built up your defenses if you need one, and majorly for field card destroyer )
Exploder Dragonwing (this card helps me with dealing with annoying card that will have its effect if its destroyed by battle, with this, the effect is a goner)
Ally of Justice Catastor (standard anti dark killer)
Trishula, Dragon of the ice barrier (Standard, lovely broken card :3)
Mist Wurm (bouncing purposes is good)
Brionac,Dragon of the ice barrier (stated on top bouncing is good)
Scrap Dragon( abuse able with Darkness Metal)
Red Dragon Archfiend (3000 beatstick)
Scrap Archfiend (level 7 with 2700 attack is good if you need to kill something equally big monster)

ok thats it for now guys, leave a comment and tell me about my deck, see ya later guys :D

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