Alright everyone i'm back with the answer for yesterday's post :D
while i having a struggle with uploading the picture( i don't know why) i am going to explain to you guys what pipis that i mention yesterday.
while i having a struggle with uploading the picture( i don't know why) i am going to explain to you guys what pipis that i mention yesterday.
as seen in the picture there is a picture of a shellfish. yes everyone its a shellfish. The name pipi is a popular name to call Plebidonax deltoides which is one of the shellfish which can be found in eastern Australian beaches.
in the phrase up there the 's' is actually to show plural. so it actually saying you cant remove multiple pipi from the beach.(this also confused me when i saw this :p)
well you know the answer now, but do you know that pipi is also :
- Another kind of shellfish which can be found in new zealand. They are the Paphies Australis
- urination in Germany and France
- Pipis in Bahasa Indonesia means Pee in English
hope you like this post and it doesn't confused all of you yesterday :p
yaaaa i thought pipis was Pee. hahahahaah. nice popular name :D LOL