Saturday, 21 January 2017

YCS Sydney 2017

Hello Everyone,

I am back with another report for YCS Sydney 2017.
This would be the 4th YCS that have been run in Sydney.

This time , the mat is Dark Magician.

I entered with a slightly more "competitive" deck this time around with my Majespecter.


Monster (18)
2  Maxx "C"
1 Luster Pendulum, the Dracoslayer
3 Majespecter Cat - Nekomata
3 Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku
3 Majespecter Fox - Kyubi
3 Majespecter Toad - Ogama
2 Majespecter Crow - Yata
1 Mystical Fairy Elfuria

Monster Reasoning
No Kirin? what is this madness? 
Most of the time, kirin will end up dead in scale or used as fodder for twin twister in my testing.
Also i do not play high scales, so i can only tribute summon kirin. So imo it's not worth it

Mystical Fairy Elfuria? What is this card?
This is for brethren to target the level 3. Majesty's Pegasus fodder and my spell/trap fodder.
Also good to stop XYZ plays to stall


Spell (10)
3 Majesty's Pegasus
1 Majespecter Cyclone
1 Majespecter Sonic
2 Twin Twisters
3 Ties of Brethren
Spell Reasoning
No Terraforming?
Field Spell is not really important in my opinion, so not having it is not a problem.


Trap (12)
2 Solemn Strike
1 Vanity's Emptiness
3 Dimensional Barrier
1 Majespecter Supercell
2 Majespecter Tempest
3 Majspecter Tornado
Trap Reasoning
only 2 Majespecter Tempest and 2 strike?
I am already playing 2 strike 2 tempest because i feel 3 of each is too much. 2 strike and 2 tempest imo is a perfect balance.

Side Deck (15)
1 Soul Drain
1 Horn of Heaven
1 Solemn Warning
1 Majespecter Sonics
1 Secret Village of the Spellcasters
2 Cosmic Cyclone
2 Ghost Ogre and Snow Rabbit
2 Traptrix Atrax
2 Lector Penduluim, the Dracoverlord
2 Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju

Side Deck Reasoning
Horn of Heaven ?
This is denko hate, i need to kill denko asap when it hits the field.
Also Hit Jinzo when pendulum summoned / Tributed
Secret Village?
If i opened this against spell heavy decks that doesn't use spellcaster or against pendulum, it will be insta win
Traptrix Atrax?
This is to be able to play against frog/paleo deck
Mirror Match / Kirin hate if needed
Majespecter Sonics?
Extra help if i need to kill a big monster. Also make them hesitant to fight

Extra Deck (15)
1 Traptrix Rafflesia
1 Totem Bird
1 Super Quantal Mech Beast Grampulse
1 The Phantom Knights of Break Sword
1 Number:30 Acid Golem of Destruction
1 Abyss Dweller
1 Lightning Chidori
1 Diamond Dire Wolf
1 Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
1 Cairngorgon, Antiluminescent Knight
1 Performage Trapeze Magician
1 Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon
1 Number 39: Utopia
1 Number S39: Utopia the Lightning
1 Ignister Prominence, the Blasting Dracoslayer
Extra Deck reasoning
This is to make Atrax cannot die
No Dinoster or Majester?
With 1 Draco, dinoster is not really a thing you want to make. Majester the same aswell. 

Round 1 - VS Hazy Flame OO-
I know this guy, he is here just for the mat.
Game 1
Game 1 Went fast because he did not do anything.
He drew into flamevell firedog, which i immediately banish with Tornado. I just kept poking him and eventually win the game

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 6800Bunbuku Direct
8000 5600Bunbuku Direct
8000 4300Ogama Direct
8000 0 Scoop

Game 2
Game 2 also went fast, but at least he did something.
He played Hazy Pillar to summon a Hazy Flame Hypogriff and attack me. I baited a torrential by making an ignister. He have a set call of the haunted to call back Hypogriff, but i make Grampulse to destroy it and he scoops

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 6800Bunbuku Direct
8000 5600Bunbuku Direct
8000 4100Kyubi Direct
7100 4100 Hypogriff -> Raccoon
7100 0 Scoop

Score end of Round 1 = 1-0-0
Round 2  VS Deskbot OO-
My opponent is a young kid and i feel sorry playing against him.But he knows the game rules pretty well.
Game 1
He shocked me by playing deskbot 009, but i immediately banish it with Tornado.
and then the game when south for him as i just poked him to death

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
6000 8000Ties of Brethren
6000 7700Ogama - > Deskbot 003
6000 6200Kyubi Direct
6000 4900 Ogama Direct
6000 3400 Kyubi Direct
6000 1600 Grampulse Direct
6000 0 Scoop

Game 2
Game 2 follows pretty much the same scenario as game 1 except he Summon Deskbot 004 continuously and i keep using tornado on them. Then I hit him for lethal not long after with Acid Golem + Trapeze combo

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 7500Kyubi -> Deskbot 003
8000 6300Bunbuku Direct
8000 5100Bunbuku Direct
8000 0 Lethal Attack

Score after Round 2 = 2-0-0
Round 3 VS PaleoFrog OXX
He is a pretty chill guy and friendly guy. But as i am playing in a high table, i will probably be playing one of the meta decks.
Game 1
I immediately knew he is playing paleofrog when he sets 4 and set 1 monster.
Paleofrog is my worse matchup as i use trap to progress the game, but it helps them push faster.
Game 1 he opened up all of the targeting traps which he cannot play and he scoops to go to game 2

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
9000 8000Upstart Goblin
7000 8000Ties of Brethren
7000 6400Ogama Direct
7000 0 Scoop

Game 2
In game 2 he opened goldly and just rekt me not long and i scoop
Sided in 1 Warning 2 Cosmic 1 Sonic
Side out 1 Majesty 2 Maxx "C" 1 Cyclone

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
6500 8000Strike
4500 8000Warning
2300 8000Toadally Direct
0 8000 Scoop

Game 3
Same Side in/ out
Game 3 i opened up ok, but cannot create an advantage to push through and since i knew i cannot come back i scooped

Game 3 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 7000Cosmic Cyclone
6000 7000Solemn Warning
3800 7000Toadally Direct
0 7000 Scoop

End of Round 3 Score = 2-1-0

Round 4 - VS Yosenju OO-
Playing against him is pretty awkward. I do not know how is he here. He tried to solemn warning my tempest, so yer

Game 1
I start the game and setup an ok field. He opened up a Yosenju play, which I am ok with because yosenju is a good matchup for me.
I kept on poking him until he tried to solemn warning my tempest. Then i baited the warning out and go for the game.

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
7100 8000Kama 2 Direct
7100 6800Bunbuku Direct
7100 5600Bunbuku Direct
7100 4100 Kyubi Direct
7100 2100 Solemn Warning
7100 900 Bunbuku Direct
7100 0 Kyubi Direct

Game 2
He let me go first again. I setup a good field and just stop his kama plays. He tries to Kaiju me, but i basicly got a free 2400 beater and push the game from that

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
6000 8000Ties of Brethren
6000 7500Kama 1 -> Ogama + Sonic
6000 6300Bunbuku Direct
6000 5000 Ogama Direct
6000 3500 Kyubi Direct
6000 900 Kumongous Direct
6000 0 Lethal

End of Round 4 score = 3-1-0

Round 5
I am pretty surprised i would played against another majespecter player. He is playing Kirin which i don't so i played a bit conservatively and tried to just play with my traps.

Game 1
He start and opened up pretty good. I opened up pretty much the same thing but the difference is i search for sonics where he does not. He uses tempest often to stop my search

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 6000Ties of Brethren
6000 6000Ties of Brethren
6000 4000Ties of Brethren
4500 3200 Fox -> Kirin
3000 3200 Strike
3000 0 Scoop

Game 2
Side in - 2 Lector 1 Sonic
Side out - 1 Cyclone 1 Majesty 1 Elfuria

I sided in Lector here so i can target his Majespecter, but it did not come up. He opened up pretty good and stopped me dead on my tracks.

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 6000Ties of Brethren
8000 4000Warning
7700 4000Chidori - > Ogama
5700 4000 Kirin Direct
0 4000 Scoop

Game 3
Side in - 2 Lector 1 Sonic
Side out - 2 Maxx "C" , 1 Elfuria

I opened up ok. and he opened up the kirin. I needed to search Sonic to push for damage. Game ended up back and forth. I close up the game with a strike on his pendulum summon and that seals it.

Game 3 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 6000Ties of Brethren
7300 6000Kirin -> Ogama
7300 5700Ogama + Sonic - > Kirin
7300 4500 Bunbuku Direct
7300 3500 Yata Direct
5800 3500 Strike
5800 0 Scoop

End of Round 5 Score = 4-1-0

Round 6 - VS Raidraptors OXO
This is a pretty hard matchup for me because if he ended up with ulti falcon and i did not draw kaiju and because the nature of raidraptor is bulky, its pretty hard to push for damage.

Game 1
Game 1 went pretty weird because he did not opened up anything. He make a dark law and slowly dying to cairngorgon.

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
80007950Cairngorgon -> Dark Law
8000 5500Cairn Direct
8000 3050Cairn Direct
8000 600 Cairn Direct
8000 0 Lethal

Game 2
Side in 2 Gameciel
Side out 1 Majesty 1 Cyclone
He opened up the Ulti Falcon Combo and i cannot do much here, i was trying to make lightning to push through, but apparently i did not draw scales to do that.

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
7000 8000Ulti Falcon Effect
6000 8000Ulti Falcon Effect
6000 4000Soul Shave
0 4000 Scoop

Game 3

Side in 2 Gameciel
Side Out 2 Maxx "C"
Game 3 goes back and forth because he have readiness and last strix combo. Eventually i pushed for game and he scooped

Game 3 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 8300Last Strix Effect
6200 8300Tribute Lanius Direct
6200 7850Ogama + Sonic -> Raid Raptor Sharp
6200 8250 Last Strix Effect
6200 8050 Raidraptor Necro -> Bunbuku
6200 8550 Last Strix effect
4700 8550 Force Strix - > Bunbuku
4700 6650 Chidori Direct
4700 5450 Bunbuku Direct
4700 4250 Bunbuku Direct
4700 2950 Ogama Direct
4700 0 Scoop

End of Round 6 Score : 5-1-0
Round 7 VS PaleoFrog - XO-
This round i did not get a good opening hand on both games and just got rekt by him.

Game 1
Game 1 i absolutely got demolished.

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
5800 8000Toadally Direct
5800 6500Strike
3600 6500Toadally Direct
3600 4000 Strike
0 4000 Scoop

Game 2 
Side in: 2 Cosmic Cyclone 1 Sonic
Side out: 1 Majesty 1 Cyclone 1 Cat
I was trying a different approach to this paleo than my first paleo matchup, i instead tried to focus on disturbing his combo with cosmic cyclone and to have sonic to punch the frog so i can survive longer. The side card never came up and it got into time.
I do not remember exactly what happened here but he scooped and make this a draw

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
80006900Dupe - > Bunbuku
6800 6900Marella Direct
4600 6900Toadally Direct
4600 0 Scoop

End of Round 7 Score : 5-1-1

End of Day 1 Score: 5-1-1 , 64/994

Day 2
Round 8 VS Paleofrog OX-
This round was a great round for me. I knew exactly what i will be playing and what should i focus on.

Game 1
I had the supercell setup going. Which make it hard for him to push and i also have elfuria lock setup to stop him from XYZ plays into frog. I almost screw up at the end here but i pulled through.

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
6000 8000Ties of Brethren
5900 8000Dupe Direct
5900 6000Warning
4900 6000 Swap Frog
4900 5500 Kyubi ->Swap
2900 5500 Ties of Brethren
2200 5500 toadally -> Kyubi
2200 4000 Strike
2200 0 Scoop

Game 2
Side in 2 Cosmic Cylone
Side out 1 Majesty 1 Cyclone

He opened up a good hand , even though not great, but he eventually pull through. I cannot do anything here and since game 1 we almost go into time, we drew in here.

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
6000 8000Ties of Brethren
6000 6000Warning
6000 5000Cosmic Cyclone
6000 4000 Cosmic Cylone
4800 4000 Marella direct
3600 4000 Marella direct
3600 2500 Strike
2400 2500 Marella direct
1200 2500 Marella direct

End of Round 8 Score: 5-1-2

Round 9
Round 9 would be the absolute worse opening hand ever. Brick twice here.
So i have nothing to say.
Game  1

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
5800 8000Todally direct
5700 8000Dupe Direct
3700 8000Ties of Brethren
2500 8000 Marella Direct
0 8000 Scoop

Game 2
Same story, Brick and lose

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
6800 8000Marella Direct
0 8000 Scoop

End of Round 9 Score: 5-2-2
Round 10 VS Stellarknight OXO
This is the last round of the buble bracket before the top cut. I am sitting quite low in the top bracket, but i just wanna play all my games so i am here.

It was a lucky win here. He does now know the matchup quite well. This is one of the scary rogue that i can verse.

Game 1
Game 1 went quite well because i managed to outgrind him and win from there.

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 6000Warning
7400 6000Tsukuyomi -> Bunbuku
5600 6000Unuk Direct
3600 6000 Ties of brethren
3600 4400 Ogama Direct
3600 2900 Bunbuku Direct
3600 900 Soul Charge

Game 2 
Game 2 he opened a good field that i cannot break. I do not have a chance here and continue to game 3.

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
6200 8000Tsukuyomi Direct
6200 6000Warning
4400 6000Tsukuyomi Direct
2600 6000 Unuk Direct
600 6000 Ties of Brethren
0 6000 scoop

Game 3
Game 3 was favoured on my side because i stop every move he tries to do even though he retaliated a bit with Alpha. But i have more resources and therefore got through

Game 3 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
6800 8000Vega Direct
6800 6500Bunbuku Direct
4800 6500Ties of Brethren
4800 4900 Ogama Direct
4800 2900 Soul Charge

End of Round 10 Score = 6-2-2

Day 2 is over for me because i did not make the top cut. i came 101/994 so i think it is pretty good for me.

I did not think i would ended up with this high of a score.

Overall Matchup
1 Hazy Flame
1 Deskbot
1 Raid Raptor
1 Stellarknight
1 Majespecter
1 Yosenju
4 Paleofrog

What i think i could have done better?
I am not too sure here. Maybe a better sideboard would be better in a way. Matchup against the Paleo was not fun but i cannot do anything about that.

Monday, 18 January 2016

YCS Sydney Report

Hello everyone, Yesterday I went to YCS Sydney and I am going to report my experience there.

This YCS would be the 3rd YCS I visited. In my opinion, the this YCS is not an improvement from the last one. I would say it is a downgrade from the last one.

Why would I say that?  There are a few reason for that.

  1. I feel that Konami was not prepared for this YCS. In terms of the number of participant, Konami was not prepared to accommodate 855 people in the venue they have chosen. In the first 3 round (that I know of ) a few people need to play their round away from the main room and on another room. This is hard to say, because if they book a bigger venue, but the number of players is not big enough, then its a waste of their money. 
  2. This YCS, we do not have the online match checker. Last YCS, players can check their phone and login with their cossy ID and check their next match / previous match. So they do not need crowd around the paper with the match information every round. This also applied for your standing at the end of Day 1 or the whole event. 
  3. Round Time. As players we could see the round time that was displayed on multiple screen across the walls last YCS. We do not have that luxury this time.
Other than that I believe YCS Sydney was a satisfying event for me, even though I have a bit of a hiccup.


Decklist (41) :

Monster (26) :
3 x Dragonpit Magician
3 x Perfomapal Skullcrobat Joker
3 x Wisdom-Eye Magician
2 x Oafdragon Magician
Nobledragon Magician
Timebreaker Magician
2 x Luster Pendulum, The Dracoslayer
2 x Majespecter Toad - Ogama
3 x Majespecter Racoon - Bunbuku
3 x Majespecter Fox - Kyubi
3 x Majespecter Unicorn - Kirin

Noble Dragon: Meteorburst Play or Rank 3 play
Timebreaker Magician : Removes Threat from board : ie Spellcanceller, Naturia Beast, Vanity Fiend
3 Kirin : 2 is enough , but the 3rd is for emergency Scale
2 Luster : I feel running 3 is too much for the deck, but at the same time i want an easy access to ignister. I can also search most of my other card if i really need extra of them.
0 Dragonpulse : I feel this is not needed, probably could've put it in instead of the 3rd kirin
3 Kyubi , 2 Gama : The trap searcher of the deck, it might be too much, but they are scale 2/5 respectively and they are also level 4 for rank 4 plays.

Spell (9):
Mystical Space Typhoon
2 x Twin Twister
3 x Wavering Eyes
3 x Pendulum Call

1 MST 2 Twin Twister: I feel the third twin twister will hurt the deck instead of benefiting the deck

Trap (6) :
3 x Majespecter Tempest
Majespecter Tornado
Solemn Warning
Vanity's Emptiness

1 Tornado: To remove some target that needs to be removed
0 Strike: didn't get hands on them
Vanity : It still a good card when it is played in the correct time. Main boarding it seems much better than siding it.

Extra (15):
Number 101 : Silent Honor ARK
Lightning Chidori
Castel The Skyblaster Musketeer
Performage Trapeze Magician
Diamond Dire Wolf
Number 39 : Utopia Beyond
Odd-eyes Absolute Dragon
Odd-eyes Rebellion Dragon
Meteorburst Dragon
Dinoster Power, The Mighty Dracoslayer
2 x Ignister, The Blasting Dracoslayer
Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction
Totem Bird
Cairngorgon, The Antiluminescent Knight

101: This was meant to be dweller, but i forgot about dweller, that why i put this here.
Diamond Dire Wolf : extra removal if needed
Rebellion : summon off absolute.
Meteorburst : Anti kozmo and Anti juggler in battle phase

Side (15):
2 x Imperial Iron Wall
2 x Effect Veiler
2 x Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
2 x Typhoon
2 x Moon Mirror Shield
2 x Performapal Drumerrilla
2 x Trap Eater
1 x Twin Twister

Drummerilla : To push over monster that I have a hard time dealing with
Trap Eater: Remove Anti-spell without eating my normal summon
Twin Twister : extra backrow hate / scale hate
0 Maxx C : Was thinking about this with my friend, but I decided not to use it.


Deck Feel:

  • Main Deck:
    • Monsters
      • I drew every monster that I have in the deck. Sometimes they came when I wanted to, sometimes they come when I don't which will happen anyway. 
      • I feel I am too hesitant on playing Luster to search for other copies of other card, when I don't have pendulum call / magician scales. 
      • Nobledragon came up a lot of the time. Which makes me sad
    • Spell:
      • Wavering Eyes almost never came up more than 1 in a game. Even worse, never came up at all
      • Twin Twister never let me down.
    • Traps:
      • Since majority are searchable, I feel it's ok. But the times when Tempest came on opening hand without any Majespecter level 4/3 is too much.
  • Extra Deck:
    • I have made:
      • Ignister
      • Meteorburst
      • Cairngorgon
    • Comment:
      • Games were fast or super slow. If its super fast, I don't even need to xyz before they die. When it's super slow, my monster kept getting destroyed making me hard to make xyz
  • Side Deck:
    • Not Use:
      • Imperial Iron Wall
      • Trap Eater
    • Comment:
      • Typhoon feel underwhelming most of the game i sided it in. 
      • I feel Maxx "C" was needed most of the time.
      • Effect Veiler and Ogre came up at the wrong time. I needed Veiler, but Ogre was there, I needed Ogre, Veiler was there.
  • MVP:
    • Majespecter Unicorn - Kirin
    • Twin Twister
    • Performapal Drumerrilla
    • Vanity's Emptiness
    • Moon Mirror Shield

Now Let's Continue to the Round Report

Round 1 - X
I forgot my deck, have to get it at home and then come back

Overall Result : 0-1

Round 2 - O
I got drop for no reason when I told one of the staff that I forgot my deck on round 1 and I go get it back. Got a bye won.

Overall Result : 1-1

Round 3 Vs Tellarknight OO
Game 1:
He opened up with Unuk, sending deneb to the grave, and setting 3 facedown. My turn I summon Joker to search for Wisdom-Eye. Discarded Wisdom-Eye for Pendulum Call and got Oafdragon and Dragonpit. I MST a backrow, which is a torrential. Then I run joker into Unuk, MP2 I pendulum Racoon and Toad. search for Kyubi and Tempest respectively. I discarded the Search Kyubi because i have 2 for Twin Twister. Hitting his call of the haunted and Alpha. He call the Deneb and Search for Altair. He summon Vega, activating effect summoning Altair, but I tempest Altair, stopping his plays. From here, I just kept using my Tempest to stop his plays. On the last turn I drew Twin Twister to remove 2 of his last facedown, which he cannot use.

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 7900Gama -> Vega 
8000 6700Racoon Direct
8000 5400Gama Direct
8000 3900 Kyubi Direct
8000 0 Lethal / Scoop

Game 2:
I started with a Oafdragon, Kyubi, Racoon, Joker, Wavering. I summon Racoon to search another Racoon for safety reason. I set Kyubi and Kirin on the scale to setup wavering plays. He summon Altair and run into my racoon. he set 3 and end. Here I wavering Eyes my scales to search Joker.
I summon Joker and search Wisdom-Eye. But he Mind Crush me. With Racoon and Oaf, I setup a scale. Pendulum my Racoon and Kyubi. From here he have no monster, and  I kept hitting him. Once again Twin Twister came up at the right time to remove his backrow when I needed it.

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
7500 8000Altair -> Racoon
7500 7500Wavering Eyes
7500 7400Joker -> Altair
7500 6200 Racoon Direct
7500 4700 Kyubi
7500 0 Lethal / Scoop

Overall Result : 2-1

Round Comment:

  • Tempest did everything game 1
  • Twin Twister working as I expected to
  • Opening Majespecter engine. Really what I do not want when I don't have the magicians

Round 4 VS Tribute Monarch
Game 1:
I opened up good with my magician engine with a Kirin and Kyubi. I Know what he is playing because he was sitting next to me last round and we talk about it. He also knows my deck because he saw me playing. I setup my scales with Kirin + Kyubi with Tempest on my backrow. He Tenacity for stormforth and tribute Kirin for Majesty Fiend and run my Kyubi. He pot of duality and grabs a Caius. On my turn, I Pendulum, then made Cairngorgon to Run over his Majesty, With Kirin on my board he cannot do anything for his turn. His set monster was sent back to his hand with Kirin and Leaving an empty field.

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
7100 8000Majesty -> Kyubi
7100 7950Cairngorgon -> Majesty
7100 5950Kirin Direct
7100 0Lethal / Scoop

Game 2:
I started the game again. I opened up pretty good once again. Got the magician scale setup. Normal summon racoon and search for Kirin. Pendulum the Kirin and passed the turn. He set a card and pass the turn. I summon my Luster to try to push more damage to him. But he Battle Fader stopping my attacks. His turn, he activate March of the Monarch. Raigeki my field, removing Luster and then tribute summon for Vanity Fiend. He attack my racoon. My turn, he MST my scale but I replace it with Drummerrilla. I run over the Vanity with it, and Pendulum my monster back again sealing the game for him.

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
6800 8000Vanity -> Racoon
6800 7800Kirin + Drum -> Vanity
6800 6500Toad Direct
6800 4650Luster Direct
6800 2650Kirin Direct
6800 0Lethal / Scoop

Overall Result: 3-1

Round Comment:

  • Drumerilla Saves the day
  • Non targetable Vanity Fiend/ Majesty Fiend and it cannot be destroyed by card effect is a problem.

Round 5 VS HERO
Game 1
I opted to go first, once again I opened up the majespecter engine. I have to make scale with Kirin and Toad. I normal summon Racoon for Kyubi, Pendulum the  search Tempest for it and set the second Tempest I have in my opening hand. His turn he summon EHERO Blazeman and search for poly. Use Poly, for EHero Trinity. I cannot stop him from attacking, and I got OTK that turn.

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
4200 8000Trinity -> Racoon
7008000Trinity -> Kyubi
0 8000Blazeman Direct

Game 2
I came into game 2 with an advantage. He doesn't know the deck that I am playing, I only have shown majespecter, not the magician. I open up pretty ok here. I summon my Toad search a Tempest even though I have another one in my hand. I assume he doesn't open up pretty well here because he only set cards and passes his turn for a few turn. He then summoned a Gamaciel on my field. Tributing my Toad. He then tried to hero lives, but I Vanity. He then sets a monster, because his life low enough. On my turn I tried to play safe and Banish his monster with Timebreaker, but he Strike Timebreaker. I hesitated to attack because of that, then I passed the turn. He didn't do anything important on his turn. I then tried attacking the monster, it was a Maxx "C". Next turn I just attack directly.

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 6700Gama Direct
8000 5400Gama Direct
8000 2700Hero Lives
8000 1200Notice 
8000 0Scoop / Lethal

Game 3
He seems frustrated because he sided the wrong thing on game 2. He didn't open what he needed and I opened up a pretty good hand with pendulum call.I have a tempest in my hand so I summon Fox to search for Tornado and discarded it for pendulum call. He tried to use Skyscraper with wild heart, but I just bounce his monster. I think he was trying to find a solution for my Kyubi + Moon Mirror Shield.

Game 3 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 6500Kyubi Direct
8000 4500Kirin Direct
8000 0Scoop/ Lethal

Overall Result : 4-1

Round Comment:

  • Moon Mirror Shield is worth it
  • Using majespecter engine sometimes is good, like game 2

Round 6 VS Performapal Performage

Game 1:
This game is so funny, because we were laughing around. He played pretty fine until he misplayed putting Plushfire with Lizardraw so he can't pendulum. From here he just scoops

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 6500Kyubi Direct
8000 4400Oafdragon Direct
8000 0Lethal/ Scoop

Game 2:
He open amazing and I opened up a brick hand. I opened up a majespecter engine again. I tried to thin the deck by searching more majespecter and hoping to draw the magician scales. It didn't end up pretty well for me. He resolves a wavering for 3 and push forward for the game pretty fast after that. I tried to stop him with warning, but he gain too much advantage for me to come back.

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
7500 8000Wavering Eyes
5500 8000Solemn Warning
3700 8000Joker Direct
0 8000Lethal / Scoop

Game 3:
I opened up pretty bad. I forced myself to make a scale with Kyubi and Wisdom-Eye. I made a meteorburst to special summon the Kyubi on scale just for the Tempest search. I have Vanity to back me up, but he wavering eyes for 3 again and banishing my vanity to make plays that will win him the game.

Game 3 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
7700 8000Joker -> Kyubi
7700 5500Meteorburst Direct
7200 5500Wavering Eyes
7200 4500Trick Clown
0 4250Lethal / Scoop

Overall Result:4-2

Round Comment:

  • Wavering eyes, nothing else to say
  • Opening nobledragon is the worst that could happen
  • I should summon meteorburst more when i have the chance.

Round 7 VS Performapal Performage

Game 1:
I opened up my magician scale without pendulum call protection. I tried to summon Racoon first to have more option to my plays but it got Solemn Warning. I then tried to put scales to Pendulum monster from my hand, but he Wavering it. Next turn he just goes off and kill me there. I got nothing to stop him

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 6000Solemn Warning
7500 6000Wavering Eyes
6000 6000Pendulum Sorcerer Direct
4200 6000Joker Direct
0 6000Lethal / Scoop

Game 2:
I opened up Luster with Kirin, without any searchable scale. I set Luster with 3 facedown at first. He afraid of my facedown and also set a card then passes to me back. I tested the water a bit and push for damage. Which is successful but he summoned trapeze and sit on it. I think if i want to push for damage I need to do something, which is removing the trapeze, but I make a mistake and set my timebreaker magician instead. He attack it and I have to use Kirin to remove the Trapeze. I tribute summon Luster for Kirin which he then Solemn. At this point I know, even though I could've summon Timebreaker, but it will be Solemn anyway. But now its good because I can pendulum it back if I drew a scale. I tried to stall as much as I can. I hold my Ghost Ogre aswell when he uses Trapeze effect. I was doing this to hope for a Pendulum Call so I have a discard for it. But I didn't drew it and I was left open.

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 6150Luster Pendulum Direct
8000 4150Solemn Warning
5000 4150Damage Juggler Direct 2x
2500 4150Trapeze Direct
500 4150Solemn Warning
0 4150Lethal / Scoop

Overall Result : 4-3

Round Comment:

  • Bad hand happened
  • Opponent have great hand happened
Overall I think I did pretty good for this event considering my start. 

Monday, 2 March 2015

(Spi)ritual Beast Local 28/2/2015

Local Report

Hello everyone!, it's me again with another local report of my Yu-gi-oh deck, this time I am playing Ritual Beast ! 


Monster (16):
Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storm
2x Spiritual Beast Apelio
3x Spiritual Beast Cannahawk
2x Spiritual Beast Pettlephin
Spiritual Beast Rampengu
3x Ritual Beast Tamer Elder
2x Ritual Beast Tamer Lara
2x Ritual Beast Tamer Wen

* 1 rampengu/rampenta?
- yes yes, this will make some people says wtf man, but i feel like rampengu have its uses but not really that much, most of the time, i want a spiritual beast monster (tamer or the beast ) in the banish zone instead of the grave
* 2 dolphin? 
- yes, i almost always go for rampengu for dolphin most of the time, and therefore if i need a dolphin, i can send it to banish using canna or use apelio to banish from grave, so basicly i have a secondary dolphin at disposal if needed\
* No debris?
- im trying a build with no debris

The bad:
-Tempest feels underwhelming at times, but it have its uses.
- opening with either lara/ wen makes 0 impact, unless given the right circumstances
- drawing pengu in opening hand, makes Ulti-Canna play slower / less impact
- drawing double tamer sometimes make no play

The Good:
- 3 Canna make so much work with 3 elder
- drawing double tamer sometimes is useful 

Spells (12) :
Foolish Burial
Book of Moon
Snatch Steal
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
Dark hole
Ritual Beast's Bond
3x Emergency Teleport
Gold Sarcophagus
Dimensional Fissure

* 2 MST?
- yes, I feel this format with nekroz and yosenju, I can be a little greedy with 2 MST instead of 3 in main

The Bad:
- Book of moon never used in the tourney

The Good:
- Bond saves me a game

Traps (13):
Bottomless Trap Hole
Macro Cosmos
Solemn Warning
2x Mirror Force
2x Ritual Beast Ambush
3x Ritual Beast Steeds
3x Mind Crush

* Mirror Force?
- for killing yosenju's field and Qli's
* Mind Crush main?
- yep, so many searches today, so stopping them from snowballing is crucial 

The bad:
- Bottomless might be useless/ not really useful this format ( i never used it in the tourney too)
- Steed sometimes only used to pop 1/2 because they have threatening monsters

The Good:
- Mind Crush makes games much more easier to win
- Mirror Force making Qli game much more easier

Extra Deck:
Lavalval Chain
Castel , The Skyblaster Musketeer
Abyss Dweller
Number 101: Silent Honor ARK
Diamond Dire Wolf
Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
Lightning Chidori
2x Ritual Beast Ulti-Pettlephin
3x Ritual Beast Ulti-Cannahawk
3x Ritual Beast Ulti-Apelio

*2 ulti dolphin?
- one just for rampengu fooder

The bad: 
-without debris, XYZ never happen

The Good:
- never have problem with "no more Ulti in extra deck"

Side Deck:
2x Shadow Imprisoning-Mirror
Book of Eclipse
Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Twister
2x Light Imprisoning-Mirror
2x Fiendish
2x Kaiser Colosseum
2x Grisaile Prison

* Fiendish?
-since i can't kill anything above 2600, i need to get stteds, so i buy some time with this
- stop yosenju's swarm and qli swarm
*Light Mirror?
- idk why this is here, mainly Light sworn, but thats it
*Book of Eclipse?
- remove djinn lock,BA semi hate
- more BA hate and XYZ, synchro hate

The Bad:
-Light Imp, need to remove this i think
-Prison is used but didn't pop up in games
-Eclipse the same as Prison

The Good:
- Kaiser Works well in yosenju's matchup
- Fiendish helps a bit,but not much

Round 1 VS Yosenju

Game 1 O

He doesnt open a good hand

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 6500Wen Direct
8000 5000 Wen Direct
8000 4900 Lara Direct
8000 3500 CannahawkDirect
8000 3300 Elder Direct
8000 1700 Rampengu Direct
8000 200 Wen Direct
6000 200 Solemn Warning
6000 0 Lethal / Scoop

Game 2 O

He have a good hand, but Kaiser Colloseum helps the game and make it easier

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 5400Ulti Apelio Direct
5100 5400 Kama 2 Direct
3500 5400 Kama 3 Direct
2400 5400 Tsujik Direct
2400 2800 Ulti Apelio Direct
2400 0  Scoop

The Bad:
- Nothing much this round

The Good:
- Kaiser Colloseum did wonders
- Ulti Apelio works around swift scarecrow

Round 2 VS Qli

Game 1 O

he didn't get first turn scout which is good, and i got an OTK field

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
6200 8000Qli Disk Direct
6200 7400 Lara Direct
6200 5400 Wen Direct
6000 0 OTK

Game 2 O

This game was pretty tough, but i managed to pull it off at the end

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 7200Scout Cost
8000 6400 Scout Cost
4900 6400 Disk Direct
4900 5600 Scout Cost
4900 4800 Scout Cost
2500 4800 Helix Direct
2500 4700 Lara Direct
2500 4500 Elder
500 4500 Solemn Warning
500 3500 Skill Drain Cost
500 0 Lethal/scoop

The bad:
- vanity/skill drain screw the deck up
-  qli monster with +2600 is hard to deal with

The Good:
- contact fusion, and contact fusion under skill drain helps a bit
- steeds and mirror force work well

Round 3 VS Yosenju

Game 1 O

Got a pretty good hand

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 5400 Ulti Apelio Direct
6200 5400 kama 2 Direct
6200 2800 Ulti Apelio Direct
6000 0 Lethal / Scoop

Game 2 O

First turn mind crush was pretty good to stop his plays, 

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
7600 8000Kama 2 -> Canahawk
5600 8000 Kama 2 Direct
3600 8000 Kama 2 Direct
3600 6600 Ulti Canna Direct
3600 4000 Ulti Apelio Direct
3600 1600 Tempest Direct
6000 0 Lethal / Scoop

The bad: 
- second game open up lara with nothing on board
- forgot to contact fusion

The Good:
- Bond save me from torrential
- Tempest saves the day

Round 4 VS BA

Game 1 X

Open not a good hand, but he open up better hand

Game 1 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
5500 8000Dante Direct
3000 8000 Dante Direct
3000 7000 Dante Direct
3000 5200 Apelio Direct
3000 6200 Snatch Steal
0 6200 Lethal / Scoop

Game 2 X

Draw the most brick hand ever, plus he counter my play

Game 2 Live Point Ticker
Me Opponent Detail
8000 8000
8000 7500Wen -> Dante 
5500 7500 Dante Direct
3000 7500 Dante Direct
1400 7500 Cir Direct
0 7500 Lethal / Scoop

The Bad:
- Draw Brick
- no difi or macro

The Good:
- Draws my side

Overall, I think going 3-1 at the end of the day with Spiritual beast is quite good !
alright, that's all everyone

See you around

Monday, 23 February 2015

Nigatsu wa Kimi no Uso

Hello there everyone, this will be an unusual post from me. XD

"The title ..., shouldn't it be Shigatsu? instead of Nigatsu? "
"Yes, but this is still February, so ... yeah :3 "

WARNING: I will discuss spoilers regarding the anime Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso and 5 Centimeters per Second to an extend ! All of these that I wrote are just my personal opinion !

Without further a do Let's Go on a Journey!

Well everyone will ask, why am I discussing this topic instead of the usual other topic?

Well my answer would be, I am surprised that this anime was beautiful

I have the impression that, nothing will come close to Clannad/After Story.
And so here I am, that I was proven wrong by Shigatsu.

Lets see the Synopsis from MAL :
"Piano prodigy Arima Kosei dominated the competition and all child musicians knew his name. But after his mother, who was also his instructor, passed away, he had a mental breakdown while performing at a recital that resulted in him no longer being able to hear the sound of his piano even though his hearing was perfectly fine. Even two years later, Kosei hasn't touched the piano and views the world in monotone, and without any flair or color. He was content at living out his life with his good friends Tsubaki and Watari until, one day, a girl changed everything. Miyazono Kaori is a pretty, free spirited violinist whose playing style reflects her personality. Kaori helps Kosei return to the music world and show that it should be free and mold breaking unlike the structured and rigid style Kosei was used to."

ok and then lets see the tag :Drama, Music, Romance,School, Shounen 

At first impression, this will be a typical Musical anime with a Drama and Romance here and there. Well in the beginning, you could say that, but when you keep watching this anime, it will soon change your view of the anime itself. 

The main character Arima Kosei had a mental breakdown while performing at a recital and then he cannot play the piano anymore. When he was confronted, he said he cannot listen to the sound of the piano that he is playing, he won't be able to play because he haven't been playing,etc etc . Of course Miyazono Kaori who confronted him says that he is just using these an an excuse.

Yes, yes. How many times have we as a person uses excuses to run away from things?
Either using our own action, or even our own words. Excuses to run away from things that we are not comfortable with or don't want to deal with.

We cannot run away from the things that we are not comfortable with or things that we don't want do deal with. We will gives excuses to run away, but if we keep running away, we cannot face the things that we have to face in our lives. There will be a light at the end of the tunnel or a light that can reach the bottom of a dark ocean that will give us way to face the problems that we have in our lives.

With these scene, I immediately remove my initial conception of the anime. This is not what it looks like and it hook me right into the series. 
The second scene is this : "I wish you would just die" . It was spoken by Kosei to his mother when he got beaten up because he cannot play part of the score he played in the competition. 

In the context of the anime, Kosei develop a hatred to his mother because he sacrifice playing with his friend and other things for playing the piano. 
In the context of life, we will develop hatred for another person. Whether it is our own parents or other people. 

In case of our parents, we should think carefully of why are they doing this to us. In case of Kosei, his mother make kosei play the piano because she thinks that Kosei need this for his career (playing the piano). 
In case of other person, we should think of it this way, There is no way, no way at all to make all people happy at the same time. Think of it this way : if you post a comment on a social media, some people will agree with you and some people will disagree with you.

This is alright, since you should be making people that matters to you happy and if someone hates you, maybe you can fix that, or maybe you cannot fix that unless you make someone else hurt / unhappy.

BUT you have to remember your parents will never want to make their children suffer, They will always want to make you (their children) happy.


The time keeps flowing while your time is frozen. 

The feeling of frozen in time, where you feel that you are still doing things from the past and still think its still in the past, even though you have grown up or everyone else has grown up around you .

People sometimes don't realize they are frozen in their own time. Still lingering in the memory of the past because they don't want to change the environment / atmosphere around them. 

This also happen in 5 Centimeter per second. The main character still linger in the past where he still try to text/mail his childhood (girl)friend, even though they have lost contact.
The feeling that develop by either the feeling of cannot let go, a feeling of hope that everything will eventually change or denying the truth.

Once again, this ties back to the first point in the blog, another form of excuse for running away from your problem. You cannot let go a person you loved, hope that a breakup eventually fixes itself or denying that something tragic actually happen. Realization of your time has frozen might not be apparent to yourself, but everyone else can see it, you haven't change at all (especially your way of thinking)

People will change throughout the year, they might not change their appearance , or attitude or etc, but something, something has change inside or outside that person.

The last point, " We shouldn't have met"

This will usually came out from your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend or might even came out form your friend. Feeling of regret that they have met you, feeling of regret they have spend the time with you .

There is always a reason why you met that particular person. Even though you wish you never met him/her.
In case of Kosei and Kaori, Kaori might think that meeting Kosei will ended up making him go back to his initial state of not wanting to play the piano again.
In the case of Takaki and Akari, will Takaki ever move forward if he didn't meet with Akari? will he be able to continue living on ?

Sometimes, even though we might regret of meeting someone in particular, we might develop something within ourselves. A more mature point of view, a reason to move forward, etc etc


It's already episode 18 for Shigatsu, and I feel like I want to watch it , but i don't want to watch it, what do you call this feeling again ?

" I want to hear it again, yet I don't want to hear it again. I want to see her, yet I don't want to see her. What do you call this kind of feeling again? "

I absolutely love this anime and i cannot wait the next episode !
Anyway enough of my rant, and have a good day everyone!
Let's Go on a Journey!!!
