I am back with another report for YCS Sydney 2017.
This would be the 4th YCS that have been run in Sydney.
This time , the mat is Dark Magician.

I entered with a slightly more "competitive" deck this time around with my Majespecter.
Monster (18)
2 Maxx "C"
1 Luster Pendulum, the Dracoslayer
3 Majespecter Cat - Nekomata
3 Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku
3 Majespecter Fox - Kyubi
3 Majespecter Toad - Ogama
2 Majespecter Crow - Yata
1 Mystical Fairy Elfuria
Monster Reasoning
No Kirin? what is this madness?
Most of the time, kirin will end up dead in scale or used as fodder for twin twister in my testing.
Also i do not play high scales, so i can only tribute summon kirin. So imo it's not worth it
Mystical Fairy Elfuria? What is this card?
This is for brethren to target the level 3. Majesty's Pegasus fodder and my spell/trap fodder.
Also good to stop XYZ plays to stall
Spell (10)
3 Majesty's Pegasus
1 Majespecter Cyclone
1 Majespecter Sonic
2 Twin Twisters
3 Ties of Brethren
Spell Reasoning
No Terraforming?
Field Spell is not really important in my opinion, so not having it is not a problem.
Trap (12)
2 Solemn Strike
1 Vanity's Emptiness
3 Dimensional Barrier
1 Majespecter Supercell
2 Majespecter Tempest
3 Majspecter Tornado
Trap Reasoning
only 2 Majespecter Tempest and 2 strike?
I am already playing 2 strike 2 tempest because i feel 3 of each is too much. 2 strike and 2 tempest imo is a perfect balance.
Side Deck (15)
1 Soul Drain
1 Horn of Heaven
1 Solemn Warning
1 Majespecter Sonics
1 Secret Village of the Spellcasters
2 Cosmic Cyclone
2 Ghost Ogre and Snow Rabbit
2 Traptrix Atrax
2 Lector Penduluim, the Dracoverlord
2 Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju
Side Deck Reasoning
Horn of Heaven ?
This is denko hate, i need to kill denko asap when it hits the field.
Also Hit Jinzo when pendulum summoned / Tributed
Secret Village?
If i opened this against spell heavy decks that doesn't use spellcaster or against pendulum, it will be insta win
Traptrix Atrax?
This is to be able to play against frog/paleo deck
Mirror Match / Kirin hate if needed
Majespecter Sonics?
Extra help if i need to kill a big monster. Also make them hesitant to fight
Extra Deck (15)
1 Traptrix Rafflesia
1 Totem Bird
1 Super Quantal Mech Beast Grampulse
1 The Phantom Knights of Break Sword
1 Number:30 Acid Golem of Destruction
1 Abyss Dweller
1 Lightning Chidori
1 Diamond Dire Wolf
1 Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
1 Cairngorgon, Antiluminescent Knight
1 Performage Trapeze Magician
1 Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon
1 Number 39: Utopia
1 Number S39: Utopia the Lightning
1 Ignister Prominence, the Blasting Dracoslayer
Extra Deck reasoning
This is to make Atrax cannot die
No Dinoster or Majester?
With 1 Draco, dinoster is not really a thing you want to make. Majester the same aswell.
Round 1 - VS Hazy Flame OO-
I know this guy, he is here just for the mat.
Game 1
Game 1 Went fast because he did not do anything.
He drew into flamevell firedog, which i immediately banish with Tornado. I just kept poking him and eventually win the game
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
8000 | 6800 | Bunbuku Direct |
8000 | 5600 | Bunbuku Direct |
8000 | 4300 | Ogama Direct |
8000 | 0 | Scoop |
Game 2
Game 2 also went fast, but at least he did something.
He played Hazy Pillar to summon a Hazy Flame Hypogriff and attack me. I baited a torrential by making an ignister. He have a set call of the haunted to call back Hypogriff, but i make Grampulse to destroy it and he scoops
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
8000 | 6800 | Bunbuku Direct |
8000 | 5600 | Bunbuku Direct |
8000 | 4100 | Kyubi Direct |
7100 | 4100 | Hypogriff -> Raccoon |
7100 | 0 | Scoop |
Score end of Round 1 = 1-0-0
Round 2 VS Deskbot OO-
My opponent is a young kid and i feel sorry playing against him.But he knows the game rules pretty well.
Game 1
He shocked me by playing deskbot 009, but i immediately banish it with Tornado.
and then the game when south for him as i just poked him to death
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
6000 | 8000 | Ties of Brethren |
6000 | 7700 | Ogama - > Deskbot 003 |
6000 | 6200 | Kyubi Direct |
6000 | 4900 | Ogama Direct |
6000 | 3400 | Kyubi Direct |
6000 | 1600 | Grampulse Direct |
6000 | 0 | Scoop |
Game 2
Game 2 follows pretty much the same scenario as game 1 except he Summon Deskbot 004 continuously and i keep using tornado on them. Then I hit him for lethal not long after with Acid Golem + Trapeze combo
Game 2 follows pretty much the same scenario as game 1 except he Summon Deskbot 004 continuously and i keep using tornado on them. Then I hit him for lethal not long after with Acid Golem + Trapeze combo
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
8000 | 7500 | Kyubi -> Deskbot 003 |
8000 | 6300 | Bunbuku Direct |
8000 | 5100 | Bunbuku Direct |
8000 | 0 | Lethal Attack |
Score after Round 2 = 2-0-0
Round 3 VS PaleoFrog OXX
He is a pretty chill guy and friendly guy. But as i am playing in a high table, i will probably be playing one of the meta decks.
Game 1
I immediately knew he is playing paleofrog when he sets 4 and set 1 monster.
Paleofrog is my worse matchup as i use trap to progress the game, but it helps them push faster.
Game 1 he opened up all of the targeting traps which he cannot play and he scoops to go to game 2
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
9000 | 8000 | Upstart Goblin |
7000 | 8000 | Ties of Brethren |
7000 | 6400 | Ogama Direct |
7000 | 0 | Scoop |
Game 2
In game 2 he opened goldly and just rekt me not long and i scoop
Sided in 1 Warning 2 Cosmic 1 Sonic
Side out 1 Majesty 2 Maxx "C" 1 Cyclone
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
6500 | 8000 | Strike |
4500 | 8000 | Warning |
2300 | 8000 | Toadally Direct |
0 | 8000 | Scoop |
Game 3
Same Side in/ out
Game 3 i opened up ok, but cannot create an advantage to push through and since i knew i cannot come back i scooped
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
8000 | 7000 | Cosmic Cyclone |
6000 | 7000 | Solemn Warning |
3800 | 7000 | Toadally Direct |
0 | 7000 | Scoop |
End of Round 3 Score = 2-1-0
Round 4 - VS Yosenju OO-
Playing against him is pretty awkward. I do not know how is he here. He tried to solemn warning my tempest, so yer
Game 1
I start the game and setup an ok field. He opened up a Yosenju play, which I am ok with because yosenju is a good matchup for me.
I kept on poking him until he tried to solemn warning my tempest. Then i baited the warning out and go for the game.
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
7100 | 8000 | Kama 2 Direct |
7100 | 6800 | Bunbuku Direct |
7100 | 5600 | Bunbuku Direct |
7100 | 4100 | Kyubi Direct |
7100 | 2100 | Solemn Warning |
7100 | 900 | Bunbuku Direct |
7100 | 0 | Kyubi Direct |
Game 2
He let me go first again. I setup a good field and just stop his kama plays. He tries to Kaiju me, but i basicly got a free 2400 beater and push the game from that
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
6000 | 8000 | Ties of Brethren |
6000 | 7500 | Kama 1 -> Ogama + Sonic |
6000 | 6300 | Bunbuku Direct |
6000 | 5000 | Ogama Direct |
6000 | 3500 | Kyubi Direct |
6000 | 900 | Kumongous Direct |
6000 | 0 | Lethal |
End of Round 4 score = 3-1-0
Round 5
I am pretty surprised i would played against another majespecter player. He is playing Kirin which i don't so i played a bit conservatively and tried to just play with my traps.
Game 1
He start and opened up pretty good. I opened up pretty much the same thing but the difference is i search for sonics where he does not. He uses tempest often to stop my search
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
8000 | 6000 | Ties of Brethren |
6000 | 6000 | Ties of Brethren |
6000 | 4000 | Ties of Brethren |
4500 | 3200 | Fox -> Kirin |
3000 | 3200 | Strike |
3000 | 0 | Scoop |
Game 2
Side in - 2 Lector 1 Sonic
Side out - 1 Cyclone 1 Majesty 1 Elfuria
I sided in Lector here so i can target his Majespecter, but it did not come up. He opened up pretty good and stopped me dead on my tracks.
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
8000 | 6000 | Ties of Brethren |
8000 | 4000 | Warning |
7700 | 4000 | Chidori - > Ogama |
5700 | 4000 | Kirin Direct |
0 | 4000 | Scoop |
Game 3
Side in - 2 Lector 1 Sonic
Side out - 2 Maxx "C" , 1 Elfuria
I opened up ok. and he opened up the kirin. I needed to search Sonic to push for damage. Game ended up back and forth. I close up the game with a strike on his pendulum summon and that seals it.
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
8000 | 6000 | Ties of Brethren |
7300 | 6000 | Kirin -> Ogama |
7300 | 5700 | Ogama + Sonic - > Kirin |
7300 | 4500 | Bunbuku Direct |
7300 | 3500 | Yata Direct |
5800 | 3500 | Strike |
5800 | 0 | Scoop |
End of Round 5 Score = 4-1-0
Round 6 - VS Raidraptors OXO
This is a pretty hard matchup for me because if he ended up with ulti falcon and i did not draw kaiju and because the nature of raidraptor is bulky, its pretty hard to push for damage.
Game 1
Game 1 went pretty weird because he did not opened up anything. He make a dark law and slowly dying to cairngorgon.
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
8000 | 7950 | Cairngorgon -> Dark Law |
8000 | 5500 | Cairn Direct |
8000 | 3050 | Cairn Direct |
8000 | 600 | Cairn Direct |
8000 | 0 | Lethal |
Game 2
Side in 2 Gameciel
Side out 1 Majesty 1 Cyclone
He opened up the Ulti Falcon Combo and i cannot do much here, i was trying to make lightning to push through, but apparently i did not draw scales to do that.
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
7000 | 8000 | Ulti Falcon Effect |
6000 | 8000 | Ulti Falcon Effect |
6000 | 4000 | Soul Shave |
0 | 4000 | Scoop |
Game 3
Side in 2 Gameciel
Side Out 2 Maxx "C"
Game 3 goes back and forth because he have readiness and last strix combo. Eventually i pushed for game and he scooped
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
8000 | 8300 | Last Strix Effect |
6200 | 8300 | Tribute Lanius Direct |
6200 | 7850 | Ogama + Sonic -> Raid Raptor Sharp |
6200 | 8250 | Last Strix Effect |
6200 | 8050 | Raidraptor Necro -> Bunbuku |
6200 | 8550 | Last Strix effect |
4700 | 8550 | Force Strix - > Bunbuku |
4700 | 6650 | Chidori Direct |
4700 | 5450 | Bunbuku Direct |
4700 | 4250 | Bunbuku Direct |
4700 | 2950 | Ogama Direct |
4700 | 0 | Scoop |
End of Round 6 Score : 5-1-0
Round 7 VS PaleoFrog - XO-
This round i did not get a good opening hand on both games and just got rekt by him.
Game 1
Game 1 i absolutely got demolished.
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
5800 | 8000 | Toadally Direct |
5800 | 6500 | Strike |
3600 | 6500 | Toadally Direct |
3600 | 4000 | Strike |
0 | 4000 | Scoop |
Game 2
Side in: 2 Cosmic Cyclone 1 Sonic
Side out: 1 Majesty 1 Cyclone 1 Cat
I was trying a different approach to this paleo than my first paleo matchup, i instead tried to focus on disturbing his combo with cosmic cyclone and to have sonic to punch the frog so i can survive longer. The side card never came up and it got into time.
I do not remember exactly what happened here but he scooped and make this a draw
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
8000 | 6900 | Dupe - > Bunbuku |
6800 | 6900 | Marella Direct |
4600 | 6900 | Toadally Direct |
4600 | 0 | Scoop |
End of Round 7 Score : 5-1-1
End of Day 1 Score: 5-1-1 , 64/994
Day 2
Round 8 VS Paleofrog OX-
This round was a great round for me. I knew exactly what i will be playing and what should i focus on.
Game 1
I had the supercell setup going. Which make it hard for him to push and i also have elfuria lock setup to stop him from XYZ plays into frog. I almost screw up at the end here but i pulled through.
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
6000 | 8000 | Ties of Brethren |
5900 | 8000 | Dupe Direct |
5900 | 6000 | Warning |
4900 | 6000 | Swap Frog |
4900 | 5500 | Kyubi ->Swap |
2900 | 5500 | Ties of Brethren |
2200 | 5500 | toadally -> Kyubi |
2200 | 4000 | Strike |
2200 | 0 | Scoop |
Game 2
Side in 2 Cosmic Cylone
Side out 1 Majesty 1 Cyclone
He opened up a good hand , even though not great, but he eventually pull through. I cannot do anything here and since game 1 we almost go into time, we drew in here.
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
6000 | 8000 | Ties of Brethren |
6000 | 6000 | Warning |
6000 | 5000 | Cosmic Cyclone |
6000 | 4000 | Cosmic Cylone |
4800 | 4000 | Marella direct |
3600 | 4000 | Marella direct |
3600 | 2500 | Strike |
2400 | 2500 | Marella direct |
1200 | 2500 | Marella direct |
End of Round 8 Score: 5-1-2
Round 9
Round 9 would be the absolute worse opening hand ever. Brick twice here.
So i have nothing to say.
Game 1
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
5800 | 8000 | Todally direct |
5700 | 8000 | Dupe Direct |
3700 | 8000 | Ties of Brethren |
2500 | 8000 | Marella Direct |
0 | 8000 | Scoop |
Game 2
Same story, Brick and lose
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
6800 | 8000 | Marella Direct |
0 | 8000 | Scoop |
End of Round 9 Score: 5-2-2
Round 10 VS Stellarknight OXO
This is the last round of the buble bracket before the top cut. I am sitting quite low in the top bracket, but i just wanna play all my games so i am here.
It was a lucky win here. He does now know the matchup quite well. This is one of the scary rogue that i can verse.
Game 1
Game 1 went quite well because i managed to outgrind him and win from there.
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
8000 | 6000 | Warning |
7400 | 6000 | Tsukuyomi -> Bunbuku |
5600 | 6000 | Unuk Direct |
3600 | 6000 | Ties of brethren |
3600 | 4400 | Ogama Direct |
3600 | 2900 | Bunbuku Direct |
3600 | 900 | Soul Charge |
Game 2
Game 2 he opened a good field that i cannot break. I do not have a chance here and continue to game 3.
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
6200 | 8000 | Tsukuyomi Direct |
6200 | 6000 | Warning |
4400 | 6000 | Tsukuyomi Direct |
2600 | 6000 | Unuk Direct |
600 | 6000 | Ties of Brethren |
0 | 6000 | scoop |
Game 3
Game 3 was favoured on my side because i stop every move he tries to do even though he retaliated a bit with Alpha. But i have more resources and therefore got through
Me | Opponent | Detail |
8000 | 8000 | |
6800 | 8000 | Vega Direct |
6800 | 6500 | Bunbuku Direct |
4800 | 6500 | Ties of Brethren |
4800 | 4900 | Ogama Direct |
4800 | 2900 | Soul Charge |
End of Round 10 Score = 6-2-2
Day 2 is over for me because i did not make the top cut. i came 101/994 so i think it is pretty good for me.
I did not think i would ended up with this high of a score.
Overall Matchup
1 Hazy Flame
1 Deskbot
1 Raid Raptor
1 Stellarknight
1 Majespecter
1 Yosenju
4 Paleofrog
What i think i could have done better?
I am not too sure here. Maybe a better sideboard would be better in a way. Matchup against the Paleo was not fun but i cannot do anything about that.