Saturday, 2 November 2013

Shadow Specters Sneek Peek Report !

Hello Everyone !!
Today I went to the Shadow Specters Sneep Peek in my local hobby shop, and this is my report !

Highlight Card

Pumprincess The Princess of Ghost(common)
Level 3 - Dark zombie
if this face up card is destroyed while in the monster card zone, you can place it face up in your spell and trap zone as a continuous spell card, instead of sending it to the graveyard. While this card is treated as a continuous spell card by this effect, during each player's standby phase: place 1 pumpkin counter on this card. all monster your opponent control lose 100 ATK and DEF for each pumpkin on this card.

This card is amazing in the sneek peek today. Basicly its a growing burden of the mighty which also make you lose DEF with the attack. Because of the limited format of the sneek peek, this card makes the difference of winning your game and losing it.

Mystic Tree Dragon + Mystic Water Dragon = Number 46 Dragluon

Mystic Tree Dragon (common)
Level 4 Earth Dragon
Once per turn, you can target 1 water type Dragon monster you control; this card level become the current level of that monster.

Mystic Water Dragon (common)
Level 8 Water Dragon
1000 / 2000
If you control an earth monster, you can special summon this card( from your hand). You can only special summon " Mythic water dragon" once per turn this way

Number 46: Dragluon
Rank 8 Light Dragon
2 Level 8 Dragon-Type monsters
Once per turn, if you control no other monsters: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then activate 1 of these effects.
● Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster from your hand.
● Target 1 Dragon-Type monster your opponent controls; take control of that target.
● Dragon-Type monsters your opponent controls cannot activate their effects until the end of your opponent's turn.

Basicly this combo is Summon Mystic Tree, special Mystic Water. Then effect of Mystic Tree make it level 8 and XYZ for Dragluon. Instant 3000 Beater in the limited format.
Only the ones that have Dragluon actually play this combo, since Mystic Tree and Water are common, you will have at least one each so its not really hard to pull of.

Vampire Hunter + Vampire Duke
Vampire Hunter (Super Rare)
Level 4 Dark Warrior
At the start of the Damage Step, if this card battles a DARK monster: Destroy that monster.

Vampire Duke (Rare)
Level 5 Dark Zombie
When this card is Normal Summoned: You can target 1 DARK "Vampire" monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target in face-up Defense Position. When this card is Special Summoned: Y
ou can declare 1 card type (Monster, Spell, or Trap); your opponent sends 1 card of that type from their Deck to the Graveyard. You can only use this effect of "Vampire Duke" once per turn. This card cannot be used as an Xyz Material for an Xyz Summon, except for the Xyz Summon of a DARK monster.

This combo works well in the sneek peek today. Since the majority of the cards are Dark type monsters, Vampire Hunter just kill it. Vampire Hunter is the DARK only catatstor. The only monster that can kill it is Knight Day Grepher  and the bujingi another counterpart of itself, the Level 8 Armed Protector Dragon, Dragluon or Archfiend Giant with its effect.

if you manage to get rid of it, Vampire Duke just bring it back and your problem came back again. This combo was pretty good in the limited format, since you have limited ways to get rid of it.

Vampire Kingdom + Vampire Grace

Vampire Kingdom
Field Spell Card
Zombie-Type monsters gain 500 ATK during damage calculation only. Once per turn, when a card(s) is sent from your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard: Target 1 card on the field; send 1 DARK "Vampire" monster from your hand or Deck to the Graveyard, and if you do, destroy that target.

Vampire Grace
Level 6 Dark Zombie
While this card is in your Graveyard, when a Level 5 or higher Zombie-Type monster(s) is Special Summoned to your side of the field by a Zombie-Type monster's effect: You can pay 2000 Life Points; Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. You can only use this effect of "Vampire Grace" once per turn. Once per turn: You can declare 1 card type (Monster, Spell, or Trap); your opponent sends 1 card of that type from their Deck to the Graveyard.

The first thing need to happen is to summon grace. after that activate kingdom. Activate Grace's effect, choosing one from (monster, spell or trap). Because your opponent send card to their grave from their deck, you can destroy one card that they control if you can send a Dark vampire monster from hand / deck to the grave. This can destroy some key card like Intrigue Shield and Pumprincess if its already in the spell and trap card zone.

The problem when dealing with this is Grace will go into 2500 when attacked or attacked because of the kingdom. This is pretty hard to deal with, since the other field card that can be used to counter this is the Ghostrick Mansion . The only monster that can beat it is the level 8 Armed Protector Dragon with at least 1 equip card.

Even if you cant send a Dark vampire from deck/hand to the grave, you can still activate Grace's effect to send 1 card from their deck to grave, which makes your opponent deck out faster.

This can also be combo with Vampire Duke, where you send a dark vampire to the grave, next turn summon duke, special summon that monster to the field.

Kidmodo Dragon = Armed Protector Dragon + Dragon Shield/Intrigue Shield

Kidmodo Dragon
Level 3 Earth Dragon
if this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster from your hand. You cannot Special Summon monsters, except Dragon-Type monsters, nor conduct your Battle Phase, the turn you activate this effect. You can only use the effect of "Kidmodo Dragon" once per turn.

Armed Protector Dragon
Level 8 Light Dragon
Face-up Equip Cards you control cannot be destroyed by card effects. This card gains 500 ATK for each Equip Card equipped to it.

Dragon Shield
Equip Spell Card
Equip only to a Dragon-Type monster. It cannot be destroyed by battle or by card effects. Neither player takes any battle damage from attacks involving it.

Intrigue Shield
Normal Trap Card
Target 1 face-up monster you control; equip this card to that target. Once per turn, while the equipped monster is in face-up Attack Position, it cannot be destroyed by battle. You take no battle damage from attacks involving it.

This is one of the combo that I have today. What I did is set Kidmodo Dragon, pass turn.
Opponent attack into it and I special summon Armed Protector in defense. where they cant kill it.
Next turn I equip it with Dragon Shield. Where it will give him protection from battle and card effects and +500 ATK.
This will actually kill every thing that they should have. Keep in mind that the equip spell card cannot be destroyed since Armed Protector protects them.

If you dont have dragon shield, you can use it with intrigue shield since it will count as an equip spell card after it activates .

Matches :
Match 1:
1st Round: He open up with vampire hunter when I have 2 Skelesaurus in my hand. I ended up getting out Archfiend Giant and kill his vampire hunter. He proceeds to summon Vampire duke because he have the field advantage. I am able to kill his duke, but I cannot deal with his Vampire Hunter. He then proceed to do the Vampire Grace + Vampire Kingdom combo where he call monster every turn. I have no out and he got me there

2nd Round : I got my Knight Day Grepher to kill his vampire hunter , and he didn't get his other combo out since I keep killing his monster, and I win this round just from beating his monster down

3rd Round: I open up with skelesaurus and hit him a few times. He scoop a few turns after because he only got Chow Chow Chan, and Baby Racoon Tantan to protect him, the rest of his hand was Vampire kingdom, 2 vampire grace, vampire duke

Match 2:
1st Round : I draw all monsters with "no" attack. He then proceed to combo me with Grace + kingdom, then he beat me down with his other monster. I have no monster to beat his Grace at the end , and I scoop this game.

2nd Round: This round, I managed to stop his grace combo going off and I just rely on hitting him with my monster. He have no chance of comeback and we go to the third game.

3rd Round : I opened up with 2 Pumprincess. I setup a higher defence position monster then I set the 2 pumprincess consecutively.He killed one of the pumpkin. He then summoned Granmarg The Mega Monarch and tried to attack me trying to beat the ticking pumpkin. Unfortunately he hit another pumpkin. After that I managed to stall the game to basicly kill every one of his monster because they have 0 Atk/ 0 Def from the 2 pumpkin i have in the board. His Granmarg have 0 Atk/ 0 Def.
Unfortnately I also hit a pumpkin. slowing my attack down. I managed attack him just enough to win the game.

Match 3:
1st Round: We traded monster one by one, but then I got my kidmodo into Armed Protector combo. Unfortunately I can only equip it with Intrigue Shield so it doesnt have protection from card effect. I attack his Bujingi and he activates Bujingi Raven and kill my Armed Protector. After that I just went downhill because I lost board control.

2nd Round:  In this round, I managed to get a pumpkin into my spell and trap zone. Before it even reach 2 counter it got destroyed by Bujingi Centipede.Luckily I still managed board control and I won this game.

3rd Round: He started with Vampire Hunter. I luckily have rasetsu that saved me from dying. Next turn he forgot to attack me, where i ended up getting Archfiend Giant out and kill his vampire hunter. I then continuously swarm my field where he cant come back from that and win from there

Match 4:

1st Round: I started with a skelisaurus. He then respond by playing a monster card face down and the ghosttrick mansion. On my next turn, I activate my Vampire kingdom just for the attack boost for my skelisaurus, which let me go through his defence position monster. He special summon spectre after my attack. On his turn, he kill my vampire kingdom for another mansion and set another monster along with the spectre.
From here on I just attacked him directly bit by bit. Unfortunately I hit a yuki onna with one of my monster. I immediately tribute this monster on my turn for my Archfiend Giant to continue to barrage of attack. He tried to slow down my attack by special summoning Black Dragon Collapserpent in defense position just to give him time, unfortunately I draw White Dragon Wyverburster where i got enough damage to win the game even though he have 4 ghosttrick facedown

2nd Round: He got his Ghosttrick combo out and i cannot go through his defences, i basicly just attack directly , but next turn he just flip my monster facedown with Ghosttrick Witch and attack with all of his ghosttrick, where he outdamaged me since mansion let him deal full damage, while i deal half. He won this round convincingly

3rd Round: I tried to stop his Ghosttrick combo once more with Vampire kingdom + skelisaurus, he come got to special summon spectre and summon Vampire Grace next turn. Luckily i have a good field setup. I stall a few turn  and i got pumpkin. I tried to attack into his Grace, but he Ghostrick Scare my pumpkin and managed to stop my track there. At the end of my turn I have skelisaurus, Jiangshi facedown, and a pumpkin. He attacked my Skelisaurus because i keep killing his facedown monster. I draw into Witch, where i managed to turn this around. Flip Jiangshi, summon witch, where i flip Grace facedown. Then i attack with pumpkin because Grace only have 1200 def and pumpkin with vampire kingdom is 1400.

He got no other out from this position since he is out of ghostrick monster and he got his field card too late.

Result : 4-0
Deck List:
2 Intrigue Shield
1 Rasetsu
1 Terrene Toothed Tsuchinoko
1 Dragon Shield
1 Armed Protector Dragon
1 Kidmodo Dragon
1 White Dragon Wyverbuster
1 Black Dragon Collapserpent
1 Vampire Kingdom
2 Skelesaurus
1 Archfiend Giant
1 Knight Day Grepher
2 Pumprincess the princess of ghost
1 ghostrick Vanish
1 ghostrick witch
2 Ghostrick Jiangshi
1 Ghostrick Stein
1 Battlin Boxer Rabbit Puncher
Total Cards: 22

Loot for today:
1 Shadow Specters Mat ( ended up trading it for Daigusto Emerald )
1 Kidmodo Dragon ( traded it out for $5AUD worth of Store credit)
1 White Dragon Wyverburster ( Traded out for Ghostrick Mansion)
1 Black Dragon Collapserpent (Traded out for Ghostrick Mansion)
2 Mecha Phantom Beast Kalgriffin
1 Baby Racoon TanTan
2 Yellow Bellied Oni
3 Intrigue Shield
2 Bujingi Centipede
1 Rasetsu
2 Sruvival of the Fittest
1 Secret Sect Druid Dru
1 Bujingi Ibis
1 Swords at Dawn
2 Mira the Star Bearer
1 Vampire Grace
1 Terrene Toothed Tsuchinoko
2 Gagagatag
1 battlin Boxer Cheat Commander
1 Bujin Regalia The Mirror
1 Sould Drain Dragon
1 Burst Rebirth
1 Number 65: Djinn Buster
1 Mysthic Tree Dragon
4 Malicevorous Fork
2 Malicevorous Knife
1 Dragon Shield
2 Armed Protector Dragon
3 Numbers Overlay Boost
1 Chow Chow Chan
1 Vampire Kingdom
2 Skelesaurus
1 Sacred Serpent's Wake
1 Vivid Knight
1 Archfiend Giant
1 Knight Day Grepher
3 Pumprincess the princess of ghost
1 Chain ignition
2 Ghostrick Vanish
1 ghostrick witch
1 Ghostrick Specter
3 ghostrick mansion
2 Ghostrick Jiangshi( traded one for Griffin)
2 Ghostrick Stein
1 Ghostrick Ghoul
3 Ghostrick Yuki Onna

and that's all for my report of Shadow Specters Sneek Peek. I was gonna post the tournament part too but i go against it

That's all guys
see ya next time

Source: All image, card text are all i got from