Sunday, 15 July 2012

June and Spring has come!

Hello everyone! it's me again XD
I have finished my first semester in my university in Australia ,WOOT!
haha i am excited and happy at the same time. Currently i havent seen my exam mark, but hopefully its all good :D

well since the last post, i have played at least 400 games of Dota 2 and i found that a lot of games @_@ 
this is the screen shot of my profile in steam for Dota 2

Currently im on holidays and im visiting Jakarta to meet up with my family and freinds :D
I've just come back from singapore for a quick visit to close the end of my brother's holiday.

ill post about my visit in singapore later.

i cant wait for the winter in Australia to end and of course to welcome spring XD

well thats all for today's post everyone see ya later